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Oh haiii, it's me, back at ya again with another rambly mess of words, thoughts, and emotions. I said in this audio diary, and wow is it ever true, that this is as much for me as it is for you. It's very cathartic to sit down and just get some thoughts out, share some mindfulness stuff, catch up on audios and new ideas, with people I can actually tell these things to. Not a lot of people in my life know what I'm up to, and even fewer know any real specifics about all this so you better believe you're my FAM now. You're my people to talk to ;p 

I am thinking maybe next time of going into this with a bit more of a game plan ;p but I'm alright with how it played out. I just wanted to give you some updates, share some ideas, and remind you to push yourself and to find things to be grateful for because sometimes I need to be reminded of that myself :3 

If you listen, I appreciate ya! I'd love to hear your thoughts on some of the ideas I shared in there. 

If you don't listen, that's okay too! I hope you have a really lovely day andddd regardless of whether you listened or not, keep your eyes and ears peeled because I'll have a few audios coming out in the next few days. I'm working hard for you ;) 

Have a great day!! It's Friday yo! :D xxx 


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