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Hey guys, 

How are you doing? I have just received the page from the colorist after some minor adjustments of the page. It has come to my attention that the new artist is extremely slow with his work despite quality work. Hence, I am considering to terminate his service if the quota is not reached within this month, that is to reach page 42. That is 5 more pages to go from the current progress. By the way, page 37 was updated but on the previous post. 

The decision is not an easy one because I really like his work. However, the pace has caused some concern due to the sheer magnitude of this project. This isn't 10 to 20 pages long project. I don't want this whole thing to drag for 1 more year and this is for your benefits as well. Rest assured, I am going to make sure that our interests are protected. This screw up happened ever since the previous artist was slowing down. I am really stressed out because looking for a new artist can be a pain. Being someone with a 9-6 job and overtime sometimes, it is really hard to manage the time for myself. Sometimes it feels like life is trying to knock me down... So many unpredictable things have happened and so little time to solve them all. I guess that's part of growing up. 

Anyways, sorry about the complaints. I know I rant a lot sometimes, and I don't mean to make you my emotional outhouse. Your everlasting supports have been truly immeasurable. I will make up my mind soon. In the meantime, please enjoy this wonderful page. I will have the dialogued chapter 1 and 2 ready soon. Gotta get back to work now. As always, stay safe and healthy guys. And more importantly, stay awesome!





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