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What's up everyone? Hope you had a great weekend. 

Thank you so much for those who are still here with your generous support. I understand those who are not able to support me any longer due to your financial constraint, but I still appreciate what you have done. I understand that I posted page 106 and 107 as well from last week, but I just wanna make the sequence easier to digest because I just got the inked pages of 104 and 105. 

Anyways, here we are. The force of Hera has left Wonder Woman's body. She could've finished off Ares right there but she made her choice. Saving the lives in front of her (or in this case, just right behind her XD). She has been a Good Samaritan is all I can say LOL. And now, the table has turned as those wounds inflicted upon Ares have been regenerated. His evil grin appears once more and Wonder Woman must ready for another round of pain and suffering. 

I have been going through some comments and messages regarding the depowerment of Diana would displace her of her identity as Wonder Woman. Well, that's not my intention. And when I said that she became a mortal, I mean that she is subject to death. She is taking an earthshaking body slam from the God of War and she can still pull herself up again. She is still bloody strong and durable in some sense. It's just that she would not have access to some other godly feature where she can pull the Sun or destroy a planet with ease when tapped into another power of an Olympian God because some feminist writers wanted it that way. She is the real and classic Wonder Woman who will feel pain and mortal wounds would kill her. 

I hope you guys enjoy the pages! Next week, Wonder Woman is going to pay for what she did to Ares. As always, stay safe and healthy guys. And more importantly, stay awesome!






Fantastic, thanks for that clarification Vince - that sounds awesome. She is still the powerful WW, just slowly and unrelentingly beaten and battered without Hera's protection. Great couple of pages with Ares slamming her and her defiantly getting up! My wish would be for: - more costume destruction as Ares batters her! - And for the artist to give a little more emphasis on displaying her sexy body to maximum effect - e.g. arched back, emphasising the deliciousness of her long, lean, body stretched and tested to its maximum. i.e. Jim Lee / Mike Deodato level of attention to displaying the insane beauty of WW's face and body

The Cad

This comic is really very good indeed, I’m so looking forward to seeing the eventual coloured pages with dialogue too. I don’t think Wonder Woman was ever intended to be indestructible in the comics so this injury level could be called ‘realistic’ in that sense. Given WW’s history and what the Greek Gods were like it’s likely Ares would want to take her off to Olympus or Hades for some very imaginative eternal tortures rather than destroy her utterly = but maybe destroying her physical form on earth is a way to achieve that, I mean who knows when Gods are concerned!.