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Hey guys,

So, I will be sending you the progress for this week. Yes, THE TEAM is working right now to REALLY KEEP UP THE PACE. We lost so much time last month. I really hate it when this happened. Ok, sorry... Let's move on.

Yeah, I am quite happy with the work and now I am looking forward to seeing the colored version. After this fight, Wonder Woman will be here guys. Along with a superheroine with massive racks haha (I hope you know who is coming). That's why I made sure that we get a decent WW as per the sample. Yeah, a lot of exciting things. Judging by the progress, this fight will be over by early next month and finally...

Guys, I am so sorry that my words were not kept. I feel embarrassed when I type the word 'promise' because I feel like a bloody useless liar every time I wanted to make a promise. I think I will stop using that word. I will just work on what I deem best for everyone here. You guys who are still staying with me despite all the bullsh*ts. Thank you so much... I love you all (literally in tears right now). Sorry for being emotional, I have just been through a lot lately. Yeah, anyways, I will update you guys when the new pages are ready. As always, stay safe and healthy guys. And more importantly, stay awesome!






I don’t think this was too unexpected from chifudoon tbh. He’s an incredible artist, but based on his fanbox page over the last few years he’s a very “artistic” guy who doesn’t really like doing commissions and seems to prefer to work at his own pace without deadlines. I’m just sorry we never saw any gore from him, I enjoyed his style and would have liked to have seen his work on supergirl. Oh well. The new artists all look good, and they don’t seem to mind drawing gore.

The Cad

Hi Vincent, first off sorry to hear about all the personal stuff you've got going on, I know myself how issues like this can really wear a person down. Moving on to the work, for me it's a great pity about Chif as I love his stuff. I'll just say this outcome was not totally unexpected and leave it at that. My only real comment is that irrespective of artists I would really love to see the story presented fully sequentially as it goes, give us 1,2,3 whatever 'numbered' pages at a time, let's say inks, colour and colour with dialogue. and avoid jumping around. This is how most of the places I subscribe to work the sequential stuff. Oherwise I struggle to follow the story and personally also find the jumping around within it a bit 'spoilery'. Like some others I'm definitely here for the duration but also mainly a Wonder Woman fan so looking forward to seeing some of her many 'alts' make their appearances. Chin up!