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 It's time for this month's member freebies and book club announcement!  

🌞 Our August book club pick will be THE TEACHERS: A YEAR INSIDE AMERICA'S MOST VULNERABLE, IMPORTANT PROFESSION by Alexandra Robbins! Because we are still in the thick of summer I will just be hosting one book club meeting this month, on Monday, August 28th at 8pm ET!  

Check out the book here: https://bookshop.org/a/82703/9781101986752 And save this

Zoom link for our 8pm ET meeting on 8/28: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82403323911?pwd=MEVoZ3NncTNjK1JBTVczYy96ZEtGZz09

🌞 This month's downloadable bundle (including last month's book club meeting recordings) is available here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/dbgcvxl7jkjrka41t3xgl/h?rlkey=ft3hrezrfjkk27un74s5zismy&dl=0

🌞 Click here to access last month's office hours with Chelsea: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/3kGdn6hC8O3jl0c0nnXBSekBjZoutQFHxc497Nx6I__6oC1OEmtBAiPiRhFWk4cStQr-dF_hLQC34tpF.467YsbhXiSCna3z5

🌞 This month's office hours with Chelsea will be Thursday, 8/24, at 12pm ET!  

🌞 ***Reminder that Chelsea is now answering two Society member questions on every Tuesday video β€” leave your questions for her in the comments below!***  

🌞 ICYMI, here is our most recent ad-free bonus video: https://www.patreon.com/posts/white-lotus-and-86291225

🌞 The Society is now on Discord! Click here to join: https://discord.com/invite/CgtWefecSP

🌞 Thanks so much for being a member!


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