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As a Patreon member of the Society, you get priority placement to have your questions answered by Chelsea and our podcast guests. This week, we're recording an episode with Dr. Sasha Hamdani, a board-certified psychiatrist and ADHD clinical specialist. Leave your questions on ADHD, money management, mental health, or anything else in the comments below!



I’m a 38 year old mother of two and I’m struggling with raising rich kids. I grew up poor, and now my husband and I have high salaries in a relatively low cost of living area. Our only debt is our small mortgage, we have healthy balances in investments and 529’s. On the one hand, I want to do all I can to help them to be successful. On the other hand, I have trouble relating to these privileged little princes, who have never had to consider money as a factor in their choices. I am in therapy, but I wonder if there are concrete things I can do to bridge the gap. I have a lot of anxiety about money, and while I don’t want to pass that down, I don’t want to raise kids without class consciousness.