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I'm sure you've all heard by now the shenanigans that's been going on with patreon, and their move to the UK. I know for sure that we creators have; as some of our patrons have dwindled down to half because of it. Apparently with the move to the new bank, accounts have been flagged as suspicious by their banks. Looking at my patron list this month, I can see that there are a few following me as well who has also had this happen to.

I figured it'd be good to get the word out as I begin to prepare the art packs to go out for last month. I don 't want anyone to miss out on the goods I'm giving to ya. :x



I have heard nothing about this at all, interesting.


Yea I was a bit worried seeing how because of my new job I upped all my pledges just to help support


Seems like their general incompetence acting up again and then relying in the patrons to fix it, again. I have dealt with only a couple companies that it was this hard to give money to. Linden Lab used to be one of them, but they fixed that like 5+ years ago.