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Spencer and Daphne have come a long way from where they started.  Their circumstances were catastrophic to start, and some might judge them... and especially Daphne, for making their peace with it and moving forward.  

But they're here.  And they're happy.  And they're going to make the most of it.

Production on this story was difficult at times, but I still saw some real magic in its infolding and I can't wait to see where Keira goes from here in her writing and her creative journey.   It was a privilege to be here at the start, and I hope that we've given her the things she needs to grow and develop into the beautiful creator I know she can be.

Thanks to Hark for all his work on editing, feedback, and team management.   And for being gracious enough to lend his character to this and to take the time we took to pause Chrysalis and bring this to completion.

And thanks to you, for reading and following along.  We hope that you have enjoyed this journey.   A story is only worth telling if there are those to hear it.  We can't do this without you and it's our greatest pleasure to have the opportunity to do so.

Thank you for reading ❤



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