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(This has already been posted on DA but reposting here upon recommendation of one of our valued Patrons!)

It is available to play in your web Browser, just wait for it to load and play!
If you have a windows computer, you can also download the demo for free.  There's a link below the browser version.

Fair warning:  the game is -not optimized- yet, so it may take a moment to load!   My computer is about 9 years old and it takes a full 30 seconds from when you hit "Start" to the game actually starting.   But my programmer friend Gunzil's awesome computer can run it nearly automatically.

I hope you guys enjoy this!   It's been a challenging month of game dev and working out kinks, but we're happy to say this feels (to us) like a big success.   Depending on your feedback, we're looking forward to launching into the full version of this.

ON A FINAL NOTE.   There is a feedback section  in-game.   We will be closely monitoring this for the next week, until Friday Dec 23rd at midnight... SO PLAYTEST AND GIVE FEEDBACK BY THEN!!   We really count on your thoughts and we're so excited to hear what you have to say:  be it good, bad, or ugly!

Enough from me.  Get out there and try it out!!



Jack Hallows

doesnt seem to work for me m'lady


Already played through myself...after about three or four tries getting it to load. Anyway, I thought it was pretty good, all things considered. And since I got a new laptop, I'm prepared for more where that came from.


Don't want to create another account, so commenting here. Voltage is charging 3$ish for content about the length you're considering. Please give us the option to set the text to just spear rather than scroll in. Having to dbl click or wait for the text is really annoying.