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Hey all!

The gears at Team Heartworks are churning with renewed fervor! As we work diligently to bring The Collector and Chrysalis to life, we not only look back at the lessons and triumphs of years past, but also think of how we can expand these projects like never before.

As always, these projects could not have been possible without the care and support you have all given. Words cannot express the gratitude we feel to each of our backers and audience members for listening to our stories and joining our journeys.

As we work to take Team Heartworks to the next stage, we hope you too will join us on our first Annual Heartworks Drive, which we’ll be hosting through July! This fundraiser will help us bring Chrysalis and The Collector to their highest potential!

What will this Drive entail?

We will be regularly updating our Patreon and Twitter to celebrate our past achievements and discuss what we have in store for the future, but we also have a series of releases fueled by all of YOU!

As part of our fundraising efforts this month, we will be featuring the L Meter and the illustrated series ‘L’s First Night with the Shark,’ starring everyone’s favorite moff girl as she navigates her premiere of rope-tastic escapades with the Merrow crime lord Cadogan.

For every time...

  • A new member joins our Patreon
  • A current Patron increases their pledge
  • Someone joins or renews their status as an annual backer

...another point is added to the L Meter! After our first illustration, a new one will be released at every five-point marker. The full seven-part series will be available once the L Meter reaches 30 points!

That’s not all! This month, we will also be unveiling our 2022 Annual Supporter Reward! As the name suggests, this is exclusive to our annual backers, as a token of our immense appreciation for the continued support they’ve given us.

We have a few more events planned for this month, as well. Keep your eyes on the Heartworks Patreon and Twitter page, or join the Heartworks Discord to join us there!

What Will My Funds Go Towards?

Chrysalis is continuing its current release schedule, and we’re especially excited for the coming twists and huge moments in store over the next few months.

However, the greatest portion of this Drive’s funding will be going towards The Collector visual novel, which is nearing the completion of its development cycle. Our most dedicated supporters are aware of how long this road has been, and we are all very excited to make a major announcement:

2023 is the year we will release The Collector!

With the script near its final form and more dedicated work on sprites on the horizon, we are confident of that promise. Your funds, however, will help us expand the game’s scope with other creators.

This includes:

  • Finishing the game’s remaining background pieces
  • Finalizing the game’s soundtrack
  • Programming in the Yokadex feature, giving the players a greater glimpse into the many Yokai inhabiting the setting

If the Annual Drive does super well, we will also begin searching for an animator for our team, to bring our beloved characters to life in a whole new way!

Thank You!

Of course, our team is also looking beyond our current projects. We have a great many stories we’d love to tell, and with your continued support, we’ll keep working to make them a reality!

We’re sending our love both to those who join us this year, and those who have lent their support in years past. We’re very excited for what’s in store.

Here’s to a great year!

♡ HeartGear and the entire Heartworks Team



Oh wow, looks like 2023 will be exciting) Well, we are looking forward to the release of The Collector