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Hello!  I want to get another illustration or two finished for the last part of Chrysalis, but the text is all posted up!   

I love this little story, and I have lots of ideas where the story can go from here.    Leave a comment letting us know if you enjoyed the story so far, and what resonated with you / where you'd like to see the story go.  

We'll have an official update on what's next for our little Moth friend very soon!



I liked the story a lot. Honestly I've not even been paying attention to The Collector since it is a... difficult experience. But I'm fond of Chrysalis. Looking forward to what is next.

Michelle Johnson

Oof that was kinda close for our sweet Mawth cutie. At least Lloyd managed to make it back to Ian mostly in one piece…Definitely looking forward to what comes next!


I'm curious to see where Lyra ties into all this, and what she was doing with Lloyd. We only got a brief glimpse at her.