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Hades won the sketch poll, and I'd like to know WHO AND WHAT you'd like to see me explore within that world!   Who's your favorite character?  Who do you ship?   What situations and Circumstances do you want to see?   Leave a comment below!   

Please no major spoilers, especially regarding the main plot.   I only just beat Hades the first time and met a certain *flower goddess* and I don't want to be spoiled on how all that ends up playing out.



Nicholas Obsuth

redraw scenes from Disney's Hercules but with Hades character designs


Megaera having a tied up Artemis, then Artemis turning it around.


I remember reading someone propose a what-if scenario where picking up boons from different gods alters Zagreus's personality based on the god. Seeing the influenced Zags interacting with other characters could be fun.


I'd be down for some classic Zag/Meg/Thanatos OT3 fun

Funes the Uxorious

Some ideas: -Dusa having a cute day out with Megara (having lunch and chit-chatting) -Thanatos, Megara and Zagreus having a triple-date -Skelly and Achilles drinking together and having a laugh -Dusa and Cerberus playing fetch