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Hey! We’re doing a few things to kind of simplify things and make them a bit more sustainable!   

Grandfathering out the $1 and $75 tiers on March 28th

  • Anyone who is currently a $1 and $75 tier can stay there as long as they like!  You'll continue to get those rewards and I’m not deleting the tiers, just unpublishing them.  It means no one will be able to join these tiers after March 28th. 
  • Thank you especially to all my $75 backers, past present and future!  Stay as long as you like.   You’ve been incredible sources of support over the years and you mean the world to me.
  • Mostly I wanted to simplify things for me and for all of you =>

The new reward structure will be like this:

  • $5 = Gerudo Link stuff
  • $10 = Collector Stuff
  • $30 = Special thanks / Altruism stuff
  • The Collector WIP materials will shift into the $10 reward and a new monthly special thanks post will be started in April for all current $30 and $75 backers.

Tier Name Changes!

  • We’ll be switching the names back to “Squire / Knight / Captain”
  • The Tier images will reflect the rewards [Gerudo / Collector / Support]

The “Let’s Grow Together” Campaign!

  • Tomorrow I’ll be announcing the start of a streaming campaign to help anyone feeling lonely during these strange times.  So look forward to that!

... and that’s about everything!

If you have any questions or concerns, leave a comment or, better yet, @ me in the Heartworks Discord

Hope everyone is doing well.   (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
It’s kind of scary out there!   Let’s all get and grow through this together!!

(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚



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