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Henlo!  It me!
The call to adventure

Have a nice weekend!






Neo Ultra Mike

As much as Kalani actually does like picking on Linkana I do like how this shows that she still has a fondness for her friend and does want to support her and the two having this earnest connection and yeah more furthering Linkana's angst of what she wants from her live now which is a really interesting place to go. I have to say I really appreciate how you take these stories using this gimmick and actually find a way to add depth and pathos to them. Since yeah original Gerudo Link was just a silly TF story without really any weight to it that kind of ended on a wah wah joke but actually taking the sequel and going "you know this time around let's actually explore the character some and see what's going through their head" makes it have more substance to it and honestly I know that this will lead somewhere when we pick up on it again so yeah can't wait to get to that.