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Here it is!  The finished intro to Gerudo Link and the Shark Prince

I'll be posting the finished Gerudo Link pages HERE as well as on the Heartworks Discord.   If you have any trouble accessing anything, you let me know.  

And as always, thank you for supporting me and believing in these projects!
Thanks for stopping by!
-Rin (´。• ᵕ •。`)




god it looks so amazing!!! im so excited to see more!!!

Neo Ultra Mike

Wow (SPOILER ALERT) I think the most shocking thing of this entire thing is how much more well chatty Linkara is then Link. Heh maybe the whole "oh yeah not really talking at all is what freaking got me turned into a Zora accidentally I should work on that" is what got her to actually start talking more even to herself. Anyway yeah interesting where this is going to go as though I did like the original story felt like it was sort of weirdly it's own thing that I'm curious how you're going to elaborate on but yeah good opening for this.

Dov Sherman

Is this the same Link from your Gerudo Link training comic?

Dov Sherman

Yay! I really liked that comic. Although I wondered just what it was the Gerudo thought would happen or why they thought it was a mistake or just how fully Link was changed. I hope you will find a chance to answer some of those questions in this new comic.