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FAQ Page

What is HeartWorks? Where did Flora go? What have you done to HeartGear?!

Some of our long-time fans might be confused by the facelift to our Patreon and Twitter profiles. Don’t be alarmed! HeartGear is still here, and she’s still running the show as director of all of HeartWorks Projects!

For years, Heart has been publicly presenting these projects as solo operations. But as they have grown in scale and complexity, she has increasingly reached out to other creators for assistance. Behind the scenes, Chrysalis and The Collector have always been group endeavors… and to better reflect this, we’ve decided to present ourselves more as a team. We thank you all for your patience and understanding as we make this transition, and we’re excited to more formally introduce our team members to all of you!

How can I access my Patron Backer Rewards?

Simply hop over to our Patron Rewards Hub for quick access to all the links you’ll need to enjoy our projects.

What is the HeartWorks Discord and how do I join?

Discord is a social platform that allows users to message each other, for free, all over the world! It’s widely accessible as an application on most computers and mobile devices.

We operate a server within Discord for our community… if you’d like to talk with other fans of our projects, or even speak with our team members yourself, just hop onto the link below for an invite:

Join Heartworks Discord

I joined the Discord, but it won’t show my Patron role. What should I do?

In order for your Patron title to appear on the Discord server, you need to ensure that both your Patreon and Discord accounts are linked. To link your account, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the ‘Settings’ tab on the left-side banner of the Patreon website (for mobile users, this requires clicking on the three bars on top)
  2. Click on the ‘More’ tab on the far-right side of the settings (for mobile users, scroll to the right until you see ‘Connected Apps)
  3. From ‘More’, click ‘Connected Apps
  4. From the ‘Connected Apps’ page, click on ‘Discord’
  5. From the ‘Discord Access’ page, click on ‘Connect’
  6. A pop-up page from Discord should appear on your browser, asking you to log in or confirm your account. From the pop-up page, click ‘Authorize’
  7. If you have not already joined the HeartWorks Discord, an invitation link should appear for you to join!

If something doesn’t work right on any of these steps, please refer to this helpful guide made by Patreon!

How long have you been working on these projects? How often are they updated?

We started work on Chrysalis late in 2020, with chapter releases starting in early 2021. Since then, we’ve strived to post a new chapter (each featuring at least one illustration) every two weeks on Fridays. As our production output increases, we are hoping to transition small project releases on a weekly schedule, so stay tuned for any changes!

As a rather ambitious project for such a small team, The Collector has had a longer timeline. Development of the project began in 2018, and since then most backgrounds, writing, and music have been added to the game, as well as early sprite work. Large project Patron backers can access the game at its current stage of development, but updates are less frequent than with small projects. Still, work on The Collector is active and ongoing, and we are currently pushing for a full release in late 2023/early 2024!

How can I speak to Heart and the rest of the team?

While you can reach out to us through this platform, all creative team members are more active and responsive on the HeartWorks Community Discord. Simply stop by the ‘teamchat’ channel and say hello!

If you have any difficulties with the Patreon or Discord, or questions about the projects more generally, feel free to ping or direct message Lehanna through her Discord handle @Lehanna#1310

Please be aware that we all live extremely busy lives, and while we strive to address all business/project-related queries, we might not have the capacity to address personal correspondence in a timely manner.

Who are the other members of Team HeartWorks?

The HeartWorks Creative Team currently comprises three members, who each take varying duties within and between all projects. Their work, however, cannot be done without the many contributors to our projects over the years, both within Team HeartWorks and without. Brief descriptions of their duties within the studio, as well as any links to their social media accounts, are listed below!

HeartWorks Members

Heart - Studio Director, Lead Writer, Developer, Artist and Designer for The Collector, Writer and Illustrator for Chrysalis and other HeartWorks projects. Heart coordinates efforts between the various contributors and manages many of the business aspects of the team! She also provides proofreading, outlining, and advice on all writing projects she may not be directly involved in.

Hark - Lead Writer for Chrysalis; Writer, Editor, and Sprite Choreographer for The Collector. He also provides proofreading, advice and editing work for upcoming HeartWorks projects.

Lehanna - Writer and Editor for Chrysalis and Lead Writer for upcoming HeartWorks projects. She provided proofreading and editing advice for The Collector and handles some smaller administrative tasks (such as this FAQ!)

Alex - Marketing and Merch director! She also performs moderating work for the HeartWorks Community Discord

Cedar - Yokai Professor and Worldbuilding Advisor, as well as key moderator for the HeartWorks Community Discord

Raine - Proofreader for The Collector, Chrysalis, and future HeartWorks projects. Also provides marketing and social media engagement advice

Jacque - Proofreader for Chrysalis and future HeartWorks projects.

Outside Contributors

PlasterBrain - Music for Chrysalis; Music, Sound Effects, and Programming Assistance on The Collector

PlasterBrain’s Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/plasterbrain
PlasterBrain’s own Visual Novel project - https://pizzagame.party/

Vui - Background Artist for The Collector

Vui’s DeviantArt - https://www.deviantart.com/vui-huynh

And that’s everything! Thank you for reading, and we hope this has been helpful in addressing any of the problems you might have encountered. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us!

- Lehanna



Cain Adamson

Do you have a link to a completed/finished "The Rapture of Nina Hartrova" somewhere on Patreon as I can't seem to find one either on you're Deviant Art page or here on Patreon