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So by the time you all read this, I will be imminently posting or already posted Chapter 73 of High Tide on the public threads and downgraded access to Chapter 75 and Chapter 74 to the Velaryon Knight and Driftmark Marine tiers.

We are still in a transitionary period between stories though so I hope that those of you in my loyal Tide Guard who have supported me for so long will remain a little patient in their wait for D&C Ch1. As some of you may have noticed I have already downgraded the price for any new subscriptions for the Tide Guard tier, now known as Dragonlord per the announcements I made earlier. The tier's description has been replaced with a transitionary message and will be replaced with a more proper description soon!

As promised, D&C Chapter 1 will be coming by Saturday the 20th of July. I have just decided to post HT Chapter 73 today because Monday and Tuesday I will be quite free to answer replies but not nearly as free as to actually write so I want to get HT73 posted and with its feedback recieved and answered so that Wednesday onwards I can write with no distractions from HT73's feedback and steaming D&C Ch1 to completion in time for the promised posting on Saturday the 20th for the highest tier, as promised.


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