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I have decided to make this post since I have just posted the start of the final arc in High Tide. All together, there are just five chapters left in the story and it will finish by mid-July at the earliest so the question now is where do we go next, especially for those of you who are subscribed?

So some of you already know this from what I've said on the Discord on other sites, but my next story is slated to be an Aegon the Conqueror SI (or rather transmigrator since like Corlys, Aegon SI isn't me the author). I've been thinking and planning one for years and am currently trying to finalize my plans and outlines for it while also doing the last chapters of High Tide.

It would be very easy for me to just switch to posting the Aegon story for the Patreon tiers in place of HT chapters once HT finishes (and the tiers will likely get renamed for the new story at some point and how I'm doing that is something I'm also thinking on). The issue is that the freedom of time that has allowed me to write HT so consistently is soon to end.

I finished my schooling for A Levels in June last year which is when I came back to writing HT regularly and the bulk of the story has been written in that time on a near infallible weekly basis. However I am going to pursue further studies near the end of September and it will be away from home too. Before I go I'd have to pack, prepare, all that stuff, and then adjust to a new life and ofc focus on studies too.

As you might imagine, the update rate would suffer tremendously for that. Weekly updates wouldn't be possible anymore and depending on how my schedule and timing is, monthly or every two months would be the best we could do.

So what do you all think? How do you guys want me to manage the Patreon and the tiers to account for this shift in the update rate down the line for the new story? Now that Patreon allows us to change the price of tiers with subscribers on them, I could reduce the prices once I can no longer update as consistently in order to make up for it and make it more affordable and worth it and then whenever I have more time to update more regularly like during semester breaks, the prices can go back up to what they are now (like hotel adjustable rates lol).

Alternatively another idea I am playing with is to double the rewards offered. So whatever Tide Guard is renamed to would get six chapters, whatever Velaryon Knight is renamed to would get four chapters, whatever Driftmark Marine is renamed to would get two chapters, and perhaps even the general support tier Spicetown Watch could get one chapter. This would avoid the hassle and confusion of changing tier prices back and forth and depending on the update pace, those on the highest tier could be six months ahead of the public releases if not longer.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments on this post or over on the patron-chat channel in the Discord server.



I'll be honest, the OP dragons and magic when no one else has anything makes the stories un interesting. People finding ways to overcome and kill the dragons and makes would be far more intriguing


On one hand I do agree but on the other I really don't lol. Dragons and magic are OP for a reason and nerfing them gets us the bad writing in canon and is frankly very annoying to see in stories. I think something interesting is exploring the angle of how people find ways around the fact that dragons are nigh unkillable on the battlefield. Something I think Martin was trying to do with canon Maegor and the First Dornish War but wasn't quite hitting.


Targaryens aren't particularly skilled in war, neither were the Valaryons in High Tide. Almost everything they achieve comes down to flying on dragons. The effective bureaucracy made the Valaryons effective in your story.


Dragons are a tool of war and the fact the Velaryons used them as efficiently as they did makes them good at war. An effective bureaucracy and thus logistics and so forth and the ability to delegate to trustworthy and capable officers also makes you good at war.