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Snape once again

Voldemort looks at the man who has been deep in his role as a double agent. He shakes Snape's hand politely asking Rose to grab Severus a plate of food. Voldemort asks. "So professor what have you been able to report back to Albus? Any word on the Potter kid?"

Severus reply. "The boy disappeared my lord after the events at the Ministry battle last year. Even my student informant is unable to find out any information about him. Dumbledore told me he has high hopes that Harry is out there somewhere."

Rose can tell Snape trying very hard to come off legit. She serve him food before returning to her boss's side awaiting command orders for the day ahead. Voldemort asked Severus more questions to probe him as Rose just listened closely to every response given to Voldemort's inquiry. Rose wants to read between these lines. If Snape is true with the death eaters or with the order of the Phoenix.

Voldemort said. "Okay Professor, thank you for the update, Severus. Head back to teach and spy for me more. You still remember how to contact me whenever I might need your service?"

Snape responds by telling Voldemort he knows how to reach him. Rose thinks she has a read on Snape's situation now that they spent close time together here in Malfoy's home. Her intuition tells her Snape is playing it on both sides for now. Waiting for an opportunity to show his true colors.

"Before I leave my lord. Can I have another thirty minutes with Rose?" Snape's eyes catch the new ink on her wrist.

What is his reaction?

A hint of surprise showed through his brow, which quickly vanished

Voldemort said. "Yes, Snape. My new right-hand woman will be with you in a moment." They are as the snake-like figure gives her the okay to leave.

Rose follows Severus out passing Wormtail whose eyes locked in on her tattoo marking. The lust is evident within his glare, Rose continues heading out of the manor with Snape. Standing quietly as fellow death eaters passed by doing their morning reporting.

They came far enough away from prying ears. Snape whispers to Rose. "That tattoo on your wrist is genuine." Not questioning but stating factually. He examined it closely muttering to himself, Rose didn't catch it.

As she tries to figure out Snape's loyalties. He asked. "Please follow me farther down these stairs girl." Rose obeyed with caution unsure what Snape's real motives were. She stepped into a bedroom with him like a few weeks ago. When the grease hair prick fucked her and left her with a knowing reply.

Oh, and you look so much like your... Father. The words repeated maliciously inside Rose's head. He might know about her true identity through Legilimency. The act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings.

"Rose. I know."

"Know what, Snape." Rose said.


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