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Kiss her forehead

"Thank you, Rose. I know I can trust you now that you have passed my loyalty test." Voldemort tells Rose.

"I can't wait to show you how dedicated I truly am tomorrow morning as we start to learn each other better and develop a stronger bond," Rose replied lovingly smiling at Voldemort's face hoping to read something between those skull cheekbones of his. He sent her off as she knew she would have a chance to kill him.

She walks back to Bellatrix's room while Wormtail is waiting on her with a large smirk. He hit her body with a Wingardium Leviosa spell. Toting her off to his room to fuck some more.


Rose's cunt filled with the evil Wormtail cum as she sat in front of Voldemort. Draco's mother cooks everyone's food with the help of other death eaters and house elves. Voldemort said. "How did you sleep last night Rose?"

The rat tattoo reminds Rose of the permanent ink and Wormtail claim over her body for the rest of her life unless she gets removed somehow. Rose answered respectfully to her new boss. "I slept quite fine my lord, thank you," Rose replies keeping to herself how badly Wormtail drill her twat last night into the late hour of dawn.

As breakfast finished Rose wanted Voldemort's attention full focus on her now that they would be working closely together moving forward. To become his right hand is something she can't let the others take from her. There was a knock on the Malfoy manor door.

Who is it?


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