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He stands up and walks over to Petunia

"I won't take disrespect for a thin little weak woman mummy." Walking closer step by step, intimidated Petunia's posture as she backward stepped slightly away from his tall stature. Dudley grabs hold of mum shoulders preventing escape route.

Dudley grins devilishly whispering. "So tell me..." Reminding Petunia of when she asked a similar statement earlier concerning Ginny, Harry, and Ronni's status. His tongue danced along the inner ear canal sending an electric chill down his spine. Dudley's dominant personality overwhelms her frail defenses. "Do sluts have what it takes to make me happy?" Pushes Petunia downwards, legs buckle tripping forward onto carpet flooring. Petunia stunned momentarily speechless. Dudley stares down enjoying the power imbalance happening right this second. He asks again. "Can they make me happy like real women?" His tone becomes dark as anger shows clearly.

"Answer me, Petunia..." Hands roam around their slim physique exploring private areas not meant to be seen by him. Nimble digits probe deep discovering her bra. Breaking Petunia's mental fortitude like dry cracked concrete splitting down the middle effortlessly.

Petunia gasped feeling vulnerable and trapped helplessly underneath Dudley's shadow looming menacingly ahead. Her weak constitution compared to his masculine energy becomes apparent within a single second of falling forward awkwardly onto the ground flooring beneath her feet. "Fine..."

Dudley grins. "You look better on the floor. You know this right."

She ...


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