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As you sit there waiting, you hear a loud voice echo throughout the room. You turn your head, as a tall, muscular, and handsome African American man enters the room. He is well dressed in a fine black suit.

"Yo boss. Glad you can come by. We have a treat for you." Fat G said, gesturing toward you.

The boss eyes you up and down. "Hmm. What's this?" The devastating handsome ebony man stares down at the high schooler.

You said. "My name is-"

"No." He yells out. "I don't give a shit what your name is. I want to know. What is a little white boy doing wearing this outfit, and acting like a slut."


He raises his hand. "Shut the fuck up, and let her explain herself. What is this? You fucking faggot."

You look down at your feet, ashamed. You mutter. "I was...."

"Spit it out." He grabs your face, making you look up. "Tell me, or I will have these niggas beat you, and make sure you end up in the river."

"I umm my mom accidentally brought this costume for a Halloween party. I didn't have anything else to wear, so I leaned toward wearing this out last night. I met a guy, then he gave me to your crew... Sir." You add in a little submission not wanting to upset him.

He stares down. "Hmm. Is that so."


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