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{boss} finally get a taste of your girlfriend

He leads her inside the lavish villa. It was beautifully decorated and full of expensive items. He took her to the bedroom. She was amazed by the king-size bed. "Wow. This place is amazing." She said.

"Yeah. It's where I bring my best ladies." He said as he sat on the edge of the bed. "I think it's time to give you a treat. You've been working hard. And you deserve a little reward. All of the guys at the restaurant were drooling when they saw you with me. You're a real knockout."

"Well thank you." She said.

"Take off that dress." He orders as she starts to strip."Oh yeah. That's what I like to see." He said. "You're wearing the panties I got you."

{gf} nods her head. Presenting her white underwear with his initials across the back of the tiny waistband. The only thing stopping him from seeing her goodies is these two items of clothing. His powerful eyes on her made her consider him as a potential lover.

Her heart rate rising. "You like what you see sir?"

"Yeah. You know I do." He knew he didn't have to order your girlfriend to undress or to fuck him. His charm and confidence will do that. "You wanna come over here and join me? Or should I come and get you."

"Why don't we both join each other." She said as she slowly walked over. She couldn't believe that she was doing this. She felt sad for {mc}. But having pitiful sex with you, only makes her fall into {boss} waiting hands.

She ...


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