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Being embraced by the Messiah

"You have to let yourself be embraced by our beloved Messiah himself," he said casually, then catching my stare, quickly clarified. "To put it simply, the initiation rites must involve letting Him take control of you. He takes in many women, you think you can handle that? I would take you to the bathroom or bedroom for the initial tryouts and we can get the ball rolling for a potential welcome to the congregation."

"Wow, what a powerful messiah." I play along.

He perceiving my shyness, reaches to caress the side of my jaw and forces me to meet his eyes. The touch sends my skin alight, and I don't flinch away.

"We have this feeling you're not some boring girl. Are you, Missy? " I know I shouldn't but his presence is getting the better of me, my inhibitions becoming weaker by the second. My instincts told me to escape and leave. "Let's go to the bedroom. I can see if you have what it takes."

I follow the man to the top level of the church. Many bedrooms were seen on the level. He turns around with his devious smile and gently wraps his arms around my petite shoulders. I get pushed inside the closest and most dimly lit room with a double door. Kofi closes them behind.

He teases me as he enters the bedroom, checking the doors are properly closed. He makes an affirming 'humph' noise, turning around to face the shorter, cute petite fake girl. He licks his lips, tilts his chin up, and keeps his gaze on mine. I looked to the side, then back up.

"Relax. How about you lie down? Let me work your body and take some of the pressure away. Just give yourself over, you'll feel incredible!" Kofi coo. "You got a little danger in you. But I like my women meek and shy. Now lie down." He commands.

I am trapped within this room with Kofi. I follow his orders as I lie down. His hands massaged my shoulders, kneading into my flesh, moving his fingers in small, gentle circles. I bit my lower lip to suppress a moan, not wanting him to know how good the sensations felt.

The man's strong, well-practiced fingers ran over my shoulders, sending the tight muscles into blissful submission. Then his fingers ran down my back. Getting harder not to make noises. He stops his caressing, his hands shifting upward, palms spreading out on my shoulder blades.

He says into my ear. "Give into the pleasure, my beautiful one."

My entire body shutters and quakes in excitement when I realize just how deep and alluring his voice sounds now that it's so close and the words are so delicious. And he continues his gentle massage.

"Let me get rid of your worldly possessions." In which he means my clothes.

Do I let him strip me?


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