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I'm a private investigator with a cute wife, who I haven't spent a lot of time with. My work days are very long and atrocious. I'm Dean Smith. Regular white guy with more wasted integrity, honor, and intelligence. I get a call to see my boss.

The boss's office is decorated with vintage movie posters and trophies from all over the world. It's a huge and spacious room with leather sofas, an antique mahogany desk, and a fully stocked wet bar. There are also high-end amenities like a TV, stereo, and video games in addition to the latest tech devices. Showing my boss's personality.

The walls are lined with photographs of the boss posing with celebrities and famous icons such as Mike Tyson and others. There's also a crystal award that sits on his desk for his work during the eighties.

One notable feature of the office is its smell. It's a mixture of cigar smoke and expensive cologne, giving it a distinct and masculine feel. The walls are covered with newspaper clippings and magazine articles highlighting the boss's accomplishments.

The fair-skinned man greets me. "Hello, Dean. I got an important job for you. In town, a new cult is recruiting for their cult. And because some college and senior high school students are going missing, we have to start somewhere. I need you to disguise and blend into them to investigate the place. I am sure this group is doing something bad."

"So how do you want me to disguise myself, sir," I say.

He smiles knowingly. "This cult is only taking young white students. So I think you need to pull a Bugs Bunny."

"What do you mean by that sir?"

"Crossdressing. You are short, your skin is pretty smooth, and you look very young for your age Dean. I believe if we gave you the makeover, you'll blend well. Though you are probably won't turn heads. Or maybe you'll be good-looking or sexy girl, who knows? You might become the most alluring creature for this damn cult."

I admit, I'm pretty good-looking, I've often been mistaken for a girl when I had my blair raven hair grown out, a younger and better-looking Jennifer Lawrence I was compare to, and I have the charisma to turn an immeasurable loss into a gigantic win.

"Anyways, I can't let you use your real identity to join the cult. This is an undercover job and you need to infiltrate the cult and not risk it, so we're going to give you a fake name."

"So what name did you think of."

"Missy Thornton. Simple, generic, and easily forgettable, they won't be able to identify you after the fact."

He explains his plan further. "We need you to go to the church the cult is meeting in and get interviewed by the recruiter, hopefully, you can get a full induction and join them, hopefully, it is easy. Just let the church do its work and we can help the situation after all I am your leader, but make sure to send me daily reports. I want to know everything that happens."

The idea does seem interesting. But the church part worries me, there will be a priest there, and the image of being caught in a compromising position doesn't sit well with me. However, the rewards greatly outweigh the risks. Maybe I'll finally get a huge promotion or extra vacation days to spend with my girlfriend.


Get my feminine outfit and head out to meet the cult


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