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Going on a panty raid (winner of the tournament)

Malcom yells with happiness. "Fuck yeah. Let's get some panties tonight." You both start walking out the door. You head over to a dorm near the front of the school.

The guy who led you there said. "Abella's room is on the top floor." Both you and Malcolm head up to the fifth floor. All the rooms have a large window. You peek in. Abella is sitting on her bed looking at her phone. You can see her in her blue lace panties.

Malcolm is trying to open the window. "This fucker is locked." He's fiddling with it for a while.

"Chill. Let her leave first then we can steal some underwear. What are you going to do when you get some." You ask Malcolm as his friend Billy Chen looks up at you guys hanging from the side of the building.

You blink then he is next to you. The Asian lad must have some type of teleportation powers. You didn't know why he would just reveal that to both of you.

Malcolm said. "Maybe I'll sniff them, maybe jerk off inside of them. Send them back to her with my cum stains. I hear girls like that."

Billy shook his head. "No one like that pervert. Hi. I'm Billy. Oh, you're the number one hero in class {mc}." You shake his hand as you all watch Abella and Violet change clothes. Their last roommate is not seemingly here yet.

Malcolm said. "Yeah okay. Your right Bill. Maybe I'll sell them online to men who have never been with a girl. Or save them to auction them off when or if Abella becomes a huge hero or a massive hero porn star. She got the looks for either."



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