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"Professor Slughorn."

"I have never seen such a fine specimen. I mean perhaps on the train I had the best students surrounding me. You seem like a brilliant bright young witch who needs a little molding. I might have to collect you." A grin spread across his old face, as he could be old enough to be Rose grandfather. "Headmaster Dumbledore told me a whole bunch of the witch from America." He extends his old wrinkles hand toward the young raven-haired witch.

She spoke. "Yes. Ahhh what do you want to tell me about Hogwarts? I'm getting giddy. It's my first year here." Rose can't help but smile while she stares at the castle structure. Finally happy that she's home.

Slughorn grinned like a Cheshire cat as he whispered into the shy student's ear. "It's a place where good friends can speak between the loud voices of fun." A gruff older-looking man, like he staring down his next meal. "A place where we can trust each other. Now come, let us get you under your house. I'm keen on Slytherin myself. Best of the best I like to say."

Slughorn begins to make a quick pace to the great hall. Going behind the house tables to an elevated podium, leading up a staircase to a small wooden stage, standing on it is Albus Dumbledore. Rose having to stand close by the first years getting sort into their new house for the next seven years.

Dumbledore doesn't look any different in the days since Rose's time away from him, the gentle sparkle has left his eye, and the blue crystal eye looks hard and grey...



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