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Went to a coed frat party

Violet and you walk together after getting dressed for the party. She chooses a cute outfit consisting of a mini skirt, crop top, and thigh-high boots. You notice a lot of eyes on her. Even some of the women couldn't resist looking. You wear simple jeans and a button-up T-shirt.

The party happens to be right off campus across a busy street. A frat house with many babes and dudes in a sexual frenzy going wild throughout the whole house and even in the yard. Inside partygoers dance sensually along the dance floors while drinking beers and smoking marijuana. Your hoping for a highly sex-driven environment in this location, find a cute girl to bring Mr. Tatum. Sexual partners for Violet are abundant within this environment. But the same can be said for you if you weren't so nervous.

You enter the frat house. There's loud music, lights flashing, and people everywhere. You notice a few of the hero's girls. Riley, Autumn, Kimmy, and Lion. They're all dancing with each other. Violet approaches them.

"Hey, girls." She said.

Riley smiles. "Hey, Violet. It's good to see you again."

Autumn nods. "Yeah, you look amazing."

Kimmy sneaks off to be alone as Cecilia nods her head at you. You felt bad not returning the smile. She immediately went on the attack mode.

"What up good looking?" Her afro is very sexy on her petite body. She sipped from her cup.

You fail to impress her. "Hi, I'm a new student." You didn't know how to break the ice. Her eyes tilt up with suppressed disdain.

Cecilia was not having any of it. "Boring! Come on. Let's go somewhere else." She pulls you by the hand. She leads you through the crowd to the front door. She drags you to the porch where there are a few other partygoers. You notice a few freshmen girls looking standoffish. Easy picking you thought.

You try to start a conversation. "So, how are you liking it here at the school."

Cecilia rolls her eyes. "Bitch, please. I got better things to do than talk about the school." She leans back, her tits bouncing in her tiny blouse. "You are a great-looking guy, just need a dose of confidence." She tries to slip you a beer. You didn't know what you wanted to do.

You turn it down earning an eye roll from the ebony minx. "So, where are you from?" You ask.

Cecilia sighs. "Why do you want to know that? I'm not some sort of tourist attraction."

"No, no. I was just wondering if we came from the same town. You know, maybe we have mutual friends or something."

"Hmm, maybe. Well, I'm from the south. A small town, where everyone knows everyone. But I've always wanted to go somewhere bigger and brighter. The city life." She said. You could see word by word, her pussy is drying up and getting ready to find a new man to rodeo with tonight.

"Yeah, that's cool."

She leans in...

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