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Go to the camp bonfire

You make sure to sit a little away from your new girlfriend as your current girlfriend Katie is holding onto your arm like a love suck puppy. Leaning into your muscles every few seconds as she makes dumb jokes. No matter how stupid they may seem you chuckle in return hoping this eased her. You hope she would be eliminated tonight, but if she isn't, you had a grand idea of what to do with the pink shorts pigtail girlfriend.

Heather and Gwen's eyes flash toward you sit. You shook your head at both of them, making sure only to catch one eye at a time. Heather looks like she isn't in control anymore. The sexual orgasms disappeared as you could tell she hated watching the twit with hugging her boyfriend.

Chris walks in with a large smile with Lindsay and Beth in his arms. Both are in matching Total Drama Island custom bathing suits. He said. "I can't believe it. The screaming Gophers lost. Chad did you have a dildo machine fucking your ass?"

A few of your teammates did seem to be favoring their asses, but you reply calmly. "No, I feel the punishment game has everyone messed up a bit, though. You guys are big fucking perverts." Chris laughing, agreeing that you are right about them being pervs.

Chris looks at everyone. "Tonight another one you guys will be voted off. No one is safe, besides our favorite girl Heather, if she uses her immunity award. Do you feel good DJ?"

DJ said. "I think yeah. I'm not a bad guy. I think everyone here sees me as a genuinely nice stand-up dude."

"What are you, Beth and Lindsay? You don't think your friends going to be mad that you let them get asshole fucked while you hang at a glorious beach house with me and my famous friends." Chris trying to scare the campers into fits.

Lindsay said with so much gullibility while showing off her lovely lewd tits that are escaping from her bikini top. "I mean, they should have gone as well. We could all have fun."

Cody said. "The guys weren't allowed to. Only some females."

Chris is happy to bridge a little distrust as he said...


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