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Of course, Ronald Bilius Weasley is turned into a permanent female form

Ronald Weasley's body is starting to change. His muscles are shrinking, his chest is expanding. His hips are widening. Ron can feel his balls disappearing. His voice is changing, getting softer, and more feminine. His hair grew longer and softer.

Ron moans, his cock softening into a small clit. His fingers become long and smooth. His nipples start to swell, becoming larger and more sensitive. Ron is changing, his body becoming the perfect woman that fits into the cult of Dudley. Her pubic area is a slightly hairy mess. Ron's face softens, his cheeks filling out, his eyelashes growing. His lips became fuller, his face became more feminine.

Ron is becoming a woman. His cock is gone, replaced with a smooth pussy. Ron moans, his body changing, his mind racing with the thought of becoming a woman. Dudley looks down at his new slut. His cock is throbbing, his eyes widening. He can't wait to fuck his new bitch.

"Mmm, that's a good slut. I knew you could do it. Now I have two sisters who are my whores to fuck and use." Dudley said, his cock dripping pre-cum. His body aching to have Ron and her sister.

Ron groans. "What is happening?" Ron's body passed out similarly to Harry's when she drain her bottle of poly juice a few months ago. The restraints hold her lovely figure up as Dudley reaches out fondling Ginny's older sister. His fingers danced along her naked skin. His fingers rubbed her smooth cheek. Her skin was like silk, so smooth and soft. Her lips were like pillows, so soft. Her body was perfect.

Ginny gasped, watching the change happen to her older brother. He becomes a girl, her face is shocked, her heart breaking. "No. No, please. Stop this. Don't do this to him. Don't do this."

Dudley ignores his favorite sluts pleas. He was far too busy staring at his new bitch. Dudley grabs Ron's chin, lifting her head. Her face was so beautiful, her eyes were asleep as the ruined mixture works it conditionally through her bloodstream. Her hair was so red, so delicate. He couldn't wait to fuck her. He sees that Ron maintains a tall statue. Her height was no concern as she still will be his feeble bitch.

Dudley said to Ginny in a vicious venomous manner...


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