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No, Head to the next class, Ella coming to hello

You pay no attention to the desperation-looking ebony chick getting attacked with another date suggestion from the Italian man. You left her to the destiny of doom from the badgering tan skin man.

Ella strolls up behind you. Her fingers touch your tushy as you walk to the final classroom of the day. Ella whispers into your ear. "Hey, baby. What did you like about Ms. Love's class? Or would you think all about me and Mr. Tatum taking what is yours? Huh pretty boy."

"Oh, mistress Ella. Mmm, thank you for letting me watch as Mr. Tatum tease your boi pussy with his thick black hands. You know you didn't need my permission, but you made me feel included and very special. Making me force myself to kneel before the door to see you and to suck your leftover cum off of your trans dick." You show your appreciation for her dominance and understanding.

Ella giggles. "Yeah... Mmm, I love that I don't need your permission in the slightest. But I just felt you had the right to watch. You are such a keen observer." Her smile makes you feel giddy inside. "There are so many other nice hot guys in class. You've seen the two black guys. Mmm so athletic looking. Tre Johnson and I think the other one was named Abe Washington. I just know they could kick your weak ass. Mmm, I bet that beautiful Afro Queen is sucking that Italian prick off as we speak."

You ask feeling like you might have to lose today to get in Ella's good graces even more, even if it means taking your stock in front of the rest of the professors. "Would you want me to lose to them mistress Ella? Show how useless I am and ask Tre to fuck your boi pussy. Would that show you enough submission and get me to be more trustworthy in your eyes?" You speaking Ella's language of putting down yourself down and below her.

Ella holding your hand acting as if nothing strange is being said by you. "Mmm maybe." Her eyes are on the Jewish girl in front of you. "Mmm she looks very tasty doesn't she."

You walk into the final room after the Jewish girl named Abella. You agreed with your Mistress slash girlfriend's words but didn't want to get in the dog house. Her large ass is enough in her little party-girl outfit to make any man cum on the spot. Something Ella already made you do today. You watch her ass swissing side to side in the most heavenly way or possibly the abundant devilish way.

Every person, including you, met a caulk board with people's names next to each other with vs in the middle. Two brackets on either side depict who is going against the other. Your eyes found your opponent. A guy name Guggi. The Italian man seems to be your first opportunity to prove yourself. You also spot that your girlfriend will go against Abe, the aforementioned black student. A thought of her flirting with another person, pissing you off. You grew with powerful convictions that you'll defeat this man in open combat if this is the case. But the felt a deflating feeling, if you wanted to satisfy Ella's needs, you'll have to lose in the first round and probably watch Abe fuck her if she wishes for that instead.

The class heard a huge deep voice calling out. "Hello, worms. Today is your initial day in hell. I will wear out your muscles and your mind will crush into little pieces that I can rearrange like a Terris puzzle. Now you see those pods over there." The large white teacher with bulging vigor muscles points his large tattoo thumb over to four pods that could fit one person. "Go in there... John takes pod 1, Guggi takes pod 2, Cecelia takes pod three, and Gina takes pod four. Everybody else, prepare yourself for your matches. Today we find out who is the credible outstanding number one in this freshman class."

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