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Yes he does

Yes, Ron makes another dash to knock the bully to the ground. It doesn't have the intended effect but is more of a bug to a windshield. Dudley once more dished out and knocked Ron to the floor with two hard hits. Ron felt his face flush, trying to be a hero not working out too well for him. And as usual, he has to see his pride crashing and burning in front of someone watching. His sister and the woman who seems to be taking joy in his humiliation.

Dudley grabs hold of his face, walking his muscular body over toward the wall. Ron with fear felt Dudley smash his back into the wall. Dudley chuckles while pulling up Ron's body against his bedroom wall.

Dudley spoke down at Ron Weasley. "I know what you need, bitch. You need a reminder that you are weak and will always be beneath me. Magic powers or not. That's the truth and you know it."

Ron groans, "You are an evil prick. All evil ends with loved ones, family and friends alike, standing tall."

Dudley chuckles at the struggling and feeble attempts of Ron to get out of the grip. Harry watched on with intrigue as Ginny hated everything about this. Seeing her older brother trying to be a hero for her, but failing to, hurt her deeply. She knew Ron lack the confidence, the credence, and the self-assurance in himself.

"That's not a nice thing to say, Ron, you should apologize to the true alpha in here. You have no power in this room, Dudley is the god, you are a mere servant." Harry said to the redhead, seeing the anger rising on his face. "Don't be a sore loser."

"Sore loser? My sister is standing there, my cum dripping down her legs. Do you have any shame?" Ron spoke to the fake muggle lady. "This isn't a game that you'll come out on top in. Both of you will be locked in prison cells."

"You were the one who stuck your cock inside your sister, not me. Well not yet." Harry said with a little hope of her getting her cock back and fucking Ginny's cunt. Even if she knew Dudley had grander plans when or if she processes a cock again.

Dudley said...


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