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Fell to sleep together in each other embraces

The next day Rose woke up to the sound of a loud knock on Bellatrix's bedroom. They had slept throughout the night together and didn't even notice it getting late. Her mind not wanting to process what happened last night at all. Her futa cock is gone. But Bellatrix got herself from their sexual futa party. Her nude slender body opened the door to find her sister staring at her. Draco's mother a tall, slim, "nice looking", and very pale, with blue eyes, long blonde hair, and a clear, cold voice spoke to her manic hair sister.

"The dark lord needs his followers. He talks about making a show of someone." Her eyes drift onto Rose's spread-out body. Seeing how happy Bellatrix was when she had sex with Rose, the woman just couldn't help herself but look. She was so horny after being denied by her husband after he who must not be named saved him from years in wizarding prison, that she had to see Bellatrix naked and doing her own thing with the new girl.

She said to Rose with a wicked smile... "It's time for you to come back my love. You've been away too long, Greyback and his men have asked about their young plaything." The older witch said as she looked at Bellatrix. She walks away as Bellatrix gets dressed. Pulling a long black cloak around her nude body, covering up the majority of it. She wrapped a tight black leather belt around her tight hourglass shape waist.

Bellatrix says to Rose... "Don't worry I'll take care of Greyback. As long as he doesn't ask the dark lord for private time with you, I can convince them to attack a muggle town nearby. They can have their fill of mud-blood virgins and milfs."

Rose was caught in a small dilemma. She could save the muggles from the fate of being fuck ruthlessly and without mercy by the dark lord's goons or keep herself and her cunt safe with Bellatrix's help. The choice seemed like the easy option to choose but the more Rose thinks about it... The more it makes her feel easy to let the women of the town get torn apart by Greyback men and keep her pussy from getting gangfucked again. She has to be the beaming hope for the rest of the world, right?

She chooses


Jason Reaves

She Choose to be gangfucked by the dark lord's goons