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'Meet me at midnight. I need to train you more.'

Crabbe grinned as Rose read the paper. He and Goyle both seemingly knew what Draco is up to with the new student. "We better head up to the dorm." He said as the three Slytherins headed to the Slytherin dormitories.

A couple of students stay back eating their food, as Rose accompanies the three gang of bullies to the dungeons. Pansy holds her blonde boyfriend's hand while they walk. Rose couldn't get out of her head the image of Pansy throating Draco-hung alpha cock. The cum that did smear Pansy's complexion got Rose an unreasonable amount of hot and botheredness by the sight of the small amount of cum on her face.

Rose looks at the great hall seeing Ron and Hermione close together in quiet tones. She wish she could tell them the truth about what happened, but didn't want them to accidentally ruin her infallible plan of getting close to the Slytherins. She thought that was the idea, not knowing her body is craving more punishments and domination from Draco Malfoy.

Rose entered the Slytherin Dorms and headed towards the lady's room, Crabbe and Goyle looking at her ass as Pansy led her to their living area for the year. On the staircase Rose peers into a window that shows off the lake and a few creatures. She opens the door and sees the four-poster bed with the Slytherin colors on it. Pansy immediately stripped from her robes, showing off her flat stomach and sexy breasts to Rose. Pansy not taking note of Rose prying eyes. Rose first look at breasts that weren't her own.

"Go get me a bath started," Pansy said as Rose walk past her, looking at Pansy's body. Her skinny ness and solid cup size must be why Draco loves fucking her. Rose thought as she head to the bathtub area following Pansy orders like a meek bitch.



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