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Yes, Harry blows Ron

"Ron you're not that bad of a guy. Harry told me so many things about his best mate. How you are a loyal friend, you will lay down your life for the people you love." Harry said to Ron. She reaches over, touching his chest. Ron's heart was pounding hard, to think he was going to be with this muggle-born girl.

"Umm, so did Harry and you hooked up. He never told me about you before." Ron's mind raced with the female hand slipping down to his thigh. Ron's eyes widen as she rubs her hand on his thigh. Ron feels her hand move up his pants, feeling her soft hand. "I have to admit, mmm you're getting me worked up."

Harry moans while licking his ear. "Good, I never had wizard cock before. Maybe you'll give me a Weasley child in my belly." Harry unzipped Ron's trousers to pull out a semi-hard cock. It lay on the side of his pants as he tried to focus and drive the car.

"Ahh, I don't think this is a good choice. I have never been or had the touch of a woman. I hardly ever know you." Ron bellows out.

"So you want me to put your cock up huh," Harry said not believing how nice of a cock his best friend has.

Does Ron agree to fly ahead while Harry get a taste or be honorable and shoo her away from his exposed member


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