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Harry ends up in Knockturn Alley

Harry's body twists and turns as her feet land at Knockturn Alley. The only reason why Harry knows this is because she remembers the exact spot that Hagrid save so many years ago.

She had always loved the magical feeling of standing anywhere wizards existed. Even though the area around them seemed full of lifeless scum moving in pacts. A few eyes on the naked girl. The last time she was here there were no streetlights, nothing moving, not one person in sight except for herself. Only ugly dangerous people made plays for her when she was younger. And yet something was different. Countless creatures of the night, Voldemort's loyal followers, and whoever else takes part in devious acts move around like it's a holiday.

Sone wearing hooded robes or carrying brooms under their arms. Their faces are hidden beneath dark cowls while their bodies move through shadow. They stalk closer to the red hair witch whose nudeness makes her stand out even more. There seem to be hundreds of them just outside the boundaries of light, closing in slowly but surely. Closing in until they can catch hold of her soft pale skin.

A face appear behind a cowl, a face Harry recognized. It was a face that partakes in Harry's godfather's death. A hook nose that all the students of Hogwarts fear unless you were Slytherin. The dark eye's glared with malice from within his hood. He raises his hand and points at her before giving a sharp command. His voice is cold, empty without emotion. But what makes it terrifying are those words he said. "Go to the alleyway. I have words for you." Snape whips his wand creating robes for the witch to cover herself in.

[ Obey men ]

Harry walks to the alley putting on the cloak letting the suggestion make her decision and then turns back towards the entrance of Knockturn Alley. She slips between two buildings. She sees him standing there, watching her every move like a spider waiting for prey to fall into its web.

"Thank you," she whispers.

Snape does not answer her but continues staring at her as if he is trying to figure out some sort of secret message she is sending. Her appearance gave him a great big pause.

"Why did you save me?"

"You remind me of someone I once knew."

"Who was she?"

"A foolish young woman who thought herself untouchable. A woman that I wish I never let go. A woman who... Looks very much like you. You are the spitting image of her." Snape is in a dream-like state of his past memories.

What does Snape want?


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