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"You lost. Plain and simple."

"You can go see where we ranked you, you can go to the healer station to get a check-up, go back to your dorm room, or go wait in my office for me so I can improve your skills. And go over why you lost." The black tall teacher replies to the angry red face Muslim lady.

She nods with a large pout on her face. Her hatred for you disappears as she gets walked out by a man in a nurse outfit. No pain from your match, but you assume may be from her other battles in the tournament. She might have received an injury. Ms. Love looks you over.

"So you finally use your power? These last rounds were fun to see that you used your brain unless you were back in a corner. But the next battle will test you even further. Only one person can be at the top of the freshman class. To represent them as the greatest hero of the year. Can you live up to that {mc}?" Ms. Love said as you take in her tight older body. She moves closer. "I only like best in my class." You couldn't tell if she was flirting with you or being really really nice to you.

Mr. Tatum said. "Your power needs more enhancement {mc}. Mind control is a perfectly powerful ability to have, but if you are not able to put others' stronger will under. You are utterly useless to the super world. Understand me, boy."

You roll your eyes. "I made it so far mostly without using my powers. Next round I will beat whoever is in front of me professors. Now please allow me to proceed." Not taking in their remarks, knowing you will do your acceptable best to win today. And get some tight heroes pussy tonight or go to a bar and fuck a townee after your victory.

Do the professors let you move on?


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