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Zendaya introduces this black homeless man to the wealth he saw on television. The old man with dirty clothes walks into the fabulous apartment. He knew this woman must be paying out the ears to live in New York in this huge place. He looks around at the fancy stupid decor. A large sliver couch with fancy designers, the large cabinet that reaches the floor to the ceiling. A lot of fake stone animals are all spread out.

"Damn, twig. You got a nice place here. Mmm, Daddy bought this for you. Or are you a folding digging tramp? That young wet twat got you all of this." He insulted the famous black skinny actress. Calling her a whore for pay and calling her very skinny.


Before Zendaya could respond to the man's words, he interrupts. He held up a picture of her white-loving boyfriend Tom Holland. The hobo smile at the white guy holding Zendaya closely. "Oh, this is your boyfriend. Mmm, he looks like a bitch. You know what they say about white boys."

"What?" Her coke-ridden drugged mind said.

"If you're dating a white boy. You're still on the market." He says with the most sleazy lascivious voice possible making Zendaya's body crawl but she doesn't resist him in the slightest. "You agree baby girl."

Does Zendaya agree?


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