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"I'm sorry..."

"Micheal." Said the father of his rival.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Micheal. I didn't cause this mess. I'm here to get my stepsister and I will be on my way." {mc} said to Micheal.

He nods. "Okay get a move on. When you get your stepsister please move that naked chink from my premises." The racist man walks away from {mc} as he seemingly left the house. {mc} wondering where his rival father is going. He hears an engine, then a quick sound of a vehicle driving off.

{mc} moves up the stairs to find his petite stepsister. A door ajar to {bbc} pornstar mother shrine room. He steals another peak loving his rival mother's fat fucking tits and flat-tone stomach. His cock hardens looking at the posters again and he pulls himself from the room. He needs if he didn't leave, he would be stuck in there all day long. He inch closer to the bedroom. He hears nothing like a scary movie. The dread builds in his chest as he peels back the door to his foe bedroom. He looks into seeing {RGF} sleeping without the cover on. Her fat beautiful ass in a black g-string. He was sure he would find his stepsister and his opposition fucking up here.

He walks back downstairs going over to the living room where most of the clean-up crew is gone. He sits down chilling as he wonders if he should stay or go home. He decides to leave but he sees his stepsister stepping out of the kitchen wearing a tight-fitting multiple-color skirt with green red patterns going up to her tummy with a black crop top covering her petite breasts. She shook her head looking at her stepbrother with huge distaste. She walks over to him with a snide spiteful expression across her face. {mc} stood up preparing to dom his little stepsister. Turning her back into his worthless cock sleeve. She hovers below her stepbrother by seven inches. Her short frame gives off so much attitude toward her stepbrother.

"What is your limp dick disappointment ass doing here?" She says with a lot of abhorrence in her voice box. "You came to worship at {bbc} knees like the weak fuck boi you are."

"No... I came to fuck your pussy. Make you my little slut." He walks over to his stepsister taking his pants off. His cock recovering from fucking their stepmother's tight kitty cat. His cock regained strength, seeing his stepsister in a pretty outfit. He guessed his rival brought this for her.

{sis} walks over to {mc} placing a hand on his chest. He break out in a smile as he could see her coming back over to his side. But he immediately regrets this. His stepsister's finger clutched around his balls. Her sadistic fingers squished his balls together causing him to groan out in pain.

He mutters out feeling his breathing coming out slowly. "What ah ah what are you doing? Please please stop. Ahh, you are killing my fucking balls."

Does {sis} stop or keeling femdoming her older stepbrother


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