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"No... I like being a slut for three hung men."

Dean said to take the piss out of Seamus. "Well, two at least." The black guy knows he and Neville have plenty of inches on their other bunkmate. Neville cracks another grin but prevents his ensuing laughter.

"Ah fuck off you looney bin," Seamus said in his thick accent not liking his buddy's words. "I'm pretty big... I'm at least bigger than Harry Potter. I got a nice good look at the chosen cock. It was so..." His words fall off getting a hard stare from Neville. He took up for Harry even when he wasn't there to defend himself. A true friend that everyone needs in life.

Rose felt a tinge of shame from Seamus mocking his cock. Her only chance of not being in last place of the cock standing of the Grryfindor shaft competition. Is it if she gets to see Ron's cock. Hopefully, her redhead friend got a small one compared to her old penis size.

Rose's fingers went out to touch the heated members bobbing in front of her. Her fingers fondled the enormous cocks of Dean and Neville. Seamus mashed his cock against the pouty lips of Rose. His cock slipped through her weak barely-there defense. Her mouth takes Seamus's manhood while she endeavors in kneading the larger cocks.



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