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The petite blonde blinks her endorsement of Dennis

The older man dressed in a suit gripped the leash tight around the young blonde girl's throat. A red outline almost instantly brands her little throat. You watch on obtaining a bizarre boner at seeing this older white-bearded man taking what is his. Piper struggles to get air into her lung but she doesn't turn to {mc} for the superhero salvaging.

Dennis rips out a huge shit-eating smile as the cute petite skinny blonde begins to kiss his valuable costly shiny guggi shoes. He relished this new young pussy at his disposal. He releases the leash a little. Letting her get a taste of freedom, before dragging her around the theater.

{mc} begins to move to see Piper get treated like a slave but one of the older men prevented him to come. "Sorry man, sit back and watch the arch master at work. You'll get her back." He begins to rejoin the group of older gents as he called back. "Probably in torn-up, stretched, used holes haha."

{mc} listen to the man's words as he took a seat on a cozy comfy theater seat. He sits back watching the blonde girl's ass getting groped by a random man. He sees one of the guys sticking an entire finger into her tight anal pocket. The older man showings off his victory over a new young twenty late teens bitch. {mc} contemplating leaving Piper to the mercy of the older gentlemen. But before he could get up and leave the area. The older gentleman's slave wife/ girlfriend crawls over to him.

"Hello, babe. Are you having fun?" She said in a motherly voice.

Do {mc} hang out with this older mature hot lady or get the fuck out before his confidence starts to decrease further?


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