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Two weeks away from the ski vacation

I sit down for dinner with my mother and stepfather. I ate with them, trying not to look suspicious. Every time he meets my eyes, I start blushing and look away. He looks up and down my body. I wear tight shorts and one of his t-shirts that he wanted to see me wear around the house. It's almost like a joke he and I are playing on my mother behind her back. He kissed her goodbye before going to his night shift job.

It's evening when I wait for my stepfather to return home from work. I was too scared to ask him, but I hoped that maybe we could be kind of like normal people. I stay awake the whole night, waiting for him to come home. At around midnight, he returned. He dropped himself on the couch beside me, making me jump slightly.

"Wh-what are you doing up, Stevie?" He said to turn the TV on to a sports game.

"I wanted to let you know I'm going on a ski trip during Christmas break. I think I have a great chance to get Molly to see me more as a potential boyfriend. I really appreciate your advice." I said, scooting closer to him. He looked surprised at me before smiling.

"That's a good step, son. Can I come along? I want to see if you truly got a shot with Molly." He said he was putting an arm on my shoulder. I thought about it, but I did tell Molly I'd bring him with me.

"Ok, you can tag along." I didn't mean it, but I snuggling in deeper on the couch.

My stepfather scooped me up and laid me on his lap, starting to slowly massage me. I groan as he finds the stress knots in my back and presses them out of my body.

I felt him groping me. His heavy hands were firm on my bubble butt. Touching what he wants.

"I think we should probably get some sleep." I tell him when I finally feel sleepy and relax.

He shook his head. "Nah, why don't you suck me off? Then I'll let you sleep." He says that lifting his hips up reveals his fat cock. I nodded weakly before pulling down his pants and underwear. His cock slapped against my face before I brought it to my mouth and started to suck. I licked around his tip, feeling his hands on my hair, forcing me down. I choke as he skull fucks me. I choked as I bobbed my head up and down, taking his cock. It smelled so masculine and rich as I stroked his shaft. I pulled off to give the kitten licks from the base to the tip, swirling my tongue around the head before he forces my mouth open and stuffs his whole length into my mouth, making me gag loudly. I pulled off coughing.

"I love those facial reactions you make when I pound your skull in." He laughs while stroking himself. I continue sucking, savoring his taste and smell.

My spit started to drip down from my lips as he used me. He watched my fingers clench his legs as my nipples hardened. He slapped my ass as I moaned into his cock.

"I love young high school sluts." He says he is spanking me as I whimper while thinking out a plan to ruin the upcoming ski trip for me.

"S-sir! S-Slow d-down! AHH!" I cried out as I felt him bashing my windpipes. He looked down at me with his lustful eyes. He grunted loudly, and I could feel his cock pulsating inside me. I choke on his cock as he releases his seed in my mouth. 

The day of... 


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