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"Look here, freshman, I'm the king of this college. Anything that happens in this school, I know about it. So if you're fucking her, that makes it my business."

You are furious at him and his arrogance. You can't believe the nerve of Chad to accuse you of having sex with a girl when he knows nothing. "I'm not having sex with anyone. And if I did. Why the fuck would you care?"

Chad said, "Because I saw you leave her room this morning, and because I know you want her. You've been drooling over her since day one, and she's too good for you."

You are livid. How dare he mock and belittle you? You are tired of being accused of doing things you haven't done. Not liking this older college student ego.

"She's my girlfriend. We didn't have sex because she's saving herself. You're a fucking jackass!"

Chad said, "I'm a jackass because I'm calling you out on your shit. If you're not fucking her, then what were you doing in her room this morning? Doing her nails pussy boi."

You are frustrated. Why won't he leave you alone? "We were watching a movie, and I held her while she fell asleep."

Chad said, "Holding her while she fell asleep? That's pathetic. If you want her, you should go after her. Don't let her slip through your fingers. A real man takes what he wants." A knowing smirk on his face.

You try to...


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