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The mentally ill, crazy redhead chick takes the stage for her team. Jumping in the air, flipping backwards twice before landing perfectly on two legs. "Why don't I perform my real talent? Owen, get your cute ass on stage."

The fat lad is wearing an assistant outfit as he put on a decent-size contraption. It's a five-foot-tall, ten-foot-long tightrope. She grins, hopping up on one end set to perform her talent. She looks at her captive crowd. "Watch how flexible I am. Don't worry, I have done this a billion times." The campers whisper among themselves, wondering if she is telling the truth or if she is delusional. 

Izzy jumped halfway across the tightrope. Spinning backward, performing flip after flips all across the tight rope like a cartoon character. She tucked her body to roll quickly across the piece of string, before jumping out in an aerial midair somersault. Your mouth dropped open as all the campers hollering in awe watching the athletic gymnast bounce back and forth.

Then she repeats it again. But slowly pulling down the front of her green dress. Her sexy bra flashed before she shoved the material down her waist. The tits that you touched when fucking ms crazy pants before are bare to all the campers. You never knew she'd be an exhibitionist.

She walked across the tiny rope with her tits out, as she finally ends the show. "Did you guys like my talent?"

The judges give her...


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