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Yes, just to have a better chance at pleasing Voldemort

Rose look at the older blonde man. He had to be twice her age. As the lust for flesh, he smells of it too. Her eyes trail him up and down. What harm could a handjob do?

The other guy follows closely. Yaxley touches her ear telling Rose how to proceed. The lust in his voice sounds evident, "I can promise a better place in his inner circle if you show me true support."

They continue to follow the dark forest path and the darkness that surrounds them, "For example, Amycus and his sister told me you're an upstart, I think you need a real lesson in following orders from the elder members. Get on your knees, now."

Amycus witnessed Rose drop to the floor. He got himself comfortable as well. In anticipation of the upcoming sexual encounter. He puts a wand against her covered body. He whispered to her. "Voldemort is correct about one thing. You're pretty. But that's the only quality a filthy half-breed can have."

He uses his freehand, stripping Rose of the top half of her cloak. Showing her nicely perky young chest to the death eaters. She hears Corban tell her. "Ah yes, I agree. Women don't belong in Voldemort's close circle. Only men who know what they want. And I want a pair of lips to wrap around my cock in the next twenty seconds."

Does Rose, or does she stand up for herself?


Jason Reaves

Rose does what corban wants