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"I know you, Harry Potter."

The potion master said bluntly looking directly at Rose green color emerald eyes. His wand out pointing towards Rose as she holds still preparing to attack if needed.

Snape continues saying. "Lucky for you I've always rooted for your family. I loved your mum Lily dearly when we attended school. I want to kill that man known as Wormtail for betraying Lily and getting her killed." Snape sat on the sliver bedsheets telling Rose to relax. "I have no intention to kill you, Potter. I rather help you out if you need me to aid you. I peek inside your head that night when I saw you for the first time. You would never be good at protecting your mind."

"Sir, how can I believe you? How can I trust you, when you fucked my cunt like I was nothing more than a brothel slut that night. How do I know that story about loving my mother is real?"

Snape sigh. "I fucked you because it help reinforce my cover, Rose. I apologize for that, I knew if Voldemort discovered my true loyalties. He'd torture me to death in the worst ways imaginable. I'm sorry I treated you like that. Trust me. I rather be honest with you and let you know who I truly am. Lily's son, or shall I say daughter at the moment. I miss her every day since she perished under Voldemort's hand. I made a vow to Dumbledore long ago to protect you and help you with whatever you need during this dangerous mission of yours. I promise you if you need me. Let me know. I'll provide you the information and potions needed to get through this assignment alive."

Snaps walks over staring deeply into Rose's eyes. Almost like he sees Lily's reincarnation through Rose's appearance. He touches the girl's left cheek with the palm of his cold witch hand. Staring intently telling Rose softly. "You know, you have your mother's eyes."

Snapes let Rose go. Hand drops down at his waistline looking solemnly like he holding back tears that could pour from his eye sockets any minute.

Rose said...


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