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(Commentary & Rewatch) The Lord of the Rings: Return of The King - Patreon Version

Simone & George are reacting to ____ for the first time! Canadians React! For unedited full length version go to https://www.patreon.com/Cinebinge Merch Store: https://www.cinebinge.ca Subscribe | Like | Share | Comment Early Access & Full Reaction available on Patreon! #moviereaction #moviereview Instagram: @cinebingechannel Instagram: @simone.swan Movie Reactions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHakYDfILlxWOp8Rwm60i6s31 The Witcher Reactions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHakPpBOOSyThaEu9GBs7h5af Squid Games Reaction: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHakSIA0kJIJkUmcxmms0m_Q0 Band of Brothers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHanBD7cksu-blgCyxZOJrgT0 Blind Playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1ts9cZbHan3qPNF7wNbOvo653VjhxOR


Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Okay, you know what, I think I changed my favorite, It was Two Towers, I don't know now. The original reason I didn't favor this one was actually my fault. I saw all these in the theater, and it was fantastic, but I didn't bother to look at the run time before watching, did not realize how long this movie would be. So about 3 hours in I had to seriously take a piss, but I loved this so much I didn't want to miss a minute, and it just kept going, and GOING, AND GOING, meanwhile I needed to go and was in physical pain, and I did wait, but that long ending, after the bad ass battle was long forgotten by then, was absolute torture, I remember cursing Peter Jackson's name at one point, like, more slow motion?! For the love of God, roll credits! But the other thing I'm still irked about is the ghost army, I actually believe in ghosts (lived in a haunted house, they're real), but that just seemed anticlimactic to me, it wasn't technically the climax anyway, but I hated the deus ex machina, "the US cavalry always shows up just in time" trope being used yet again, and it was just too easy for them, wasn't satisfying to me. But all in all, I don't know, guess I'll have to watch them all again to figure out which is my favorite lol, ironically I like the extended version more (because can I take pee breaks at home), love this world and these characters having even more detail. Loved this! You guys gotta do a live stream version some day.


Just to contribute on the weight of the Witch King's flail, the density of iron is 7.874g/cm3. If the flail was forged from a block of iron that was 30cm x 15cm x 15cm, that would be 6,750cm3 or 53.15kg of iron. This is 116.82lb. Honestly considering the size of it plus the chain too, I would consider this as an underestimate!

Philipp Roensch

Loved your reaction, waterworks and all, thank you for this rewatch and a beautiful sunday :D. Also have to re-read the books, I've only ever heard the german audio books and kept falling asleep to them. Lovely but not good for my memory. I do recall that Denethor was a bit more excusable in the books, because he actually wrestled with Sauron via the Palantir that already was in Minas Tirith. Nerd of the Rings has great lore videos, you probably could catch up with Denethor, the Palantir and the Oathbreakers Army there to answer your questions :). My first contact with fantasy and these movies, was around 2002, we've just started first edition 'The Dark Eye' (Das Schwarze Auge) pen and paper with friends, and then my buddy who already knew LotR, brought the cinematic cut of Fellowship on VHS. A few years before I was already in love with 'The Dwarves' by Markus Heitz, since then I've always been a Dwarf in spirit. Would really love if those books ever get a fair adaptation, and recommend you to read them. I would also recommend for Cate Blanchett movies: Thor Ragnarök, if you get to it in a Marvel run, she has fun in that one^^.

Ludovic Ligot

It was an emotional journey to rewatch the trilogy with you both ! Especially the third movie, of course… I think nearly every fan cries a lot with this one ! Thanks for your constant sincerity. My first experience with the trilogy was in theater (2001/2002/2003), so I was lucky and of course "completely shocked" every time.


My gateway into fantasy was the Redwall book series, I absolutely devoured those books as a kid


If you want a Cate Blanchett movie, I highly recommend The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. It's my favorite Wes Anderson movie, along with the Grand Budapest. Bill Murray is great in it.


"Simone, what are you wearing there?" ... "Wool of a touqe!"