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Prey - Patreon Version


Grand Moff Slackin'

The director, Dan Trachtenberg, was one of a trio of hosts on an OG YouTube show called The Totally Rad Show. It was a personal favorite back in the day. I think he was mainly working on commercials back then. So cool to see him breaking into feature films now.

rick trevino

so happy to see this being reacted too! love the movie so much.

Gary Fixler

I had the best experience with this movie, because I hadn't heard of it when I saw it, so I had no idea what it was about, or that it was part of any universe. I kept getting little feelings, like "have I been here before?" and "have I seen this?" I was like "why do I recognize this?" I just kept putting more and more together, and then I said "Wait... Is this a Predator movie?" Then, like, 5 minutes later I went "Oh, 'Prey...' Now I get it. Awesome!" 😆

Gary Fixler

I wish more people could have experiences like this, but everyone always knows everything about movies they see. If you ever see a trailer, you've seen the entire movie in most cases these days. They give everything away, and for some reason, everyone's generally okay with it. 🤷‍♂️ It's so much fun to have no idea at all, though, and let it all unfold, and finally realize where you are, and then get excited, because you like it there.

Jacob King

I do really enjoy this movie. It’s kind of simple storytelling but it works and should be a model for this sort of mid tier franchise filmmaking. 100 minutes, easy to explain lore, entirely plot driven. They could do an immediate sequel or they could do one set in a totally different time period and I would be equally interested. My pitch would be a Roman legion. In comics the predators have fought Batman, Superman, Judge Dredd, Aliens (obviously), and Archie. The Archie one is fine but kind of a gimmick.

Ricardo Alanis

Definitely recommend 10 Cloverfield Lane, also by the same director.


Although she had done other work, the only thing I had seen Amber Midthunder in before "Prey" was the FX series "Legion" (2017-2019), Noah Hawley's take on the Marvel character Legion (David Haller). Amber plays "Kerry Loudermilk", one of the major supporting characters, and true to form, a total badass. "Legion" is an amazing TV series, especially the first season (starting right with the first episode), which is the most astonishing work of television I can remember seeing in recent memory. I highly recommend "Legion", but I doubt enough people have seen/liked it enough for it to make it to the top of any polls here. No biggie, it's all good. :)

George Amberson

I’m very late to the party (watching this after The Social Network, if that tells you how late), and all I can say is…PLEASE WATCH PREDATORS!!!…it is an amazing close to the story (don’t watch beyond!!!)


It's kind of funny because I'm even later to this "party" and I came here to say the exact same thing you did. I really want them to watch this too! A lot of people have mixed feelings on Predators but I think it's a great movie for them to watch, especially after watching Prey