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The internet already have plenty of ugliness, anger and hate and every day we inevitably walk through those muddy places, getting more and more bogged down by the vitriol of others and from within. Which is why we ask all of you to please, please leave those muddy shoes at the door when you come in here. The two of us want to keep this little corner of the internet a pleasant and fun place to watch movies and tv shows with you!

Tim Minchin once said,
"Most arguments are kept alive by a failure to acknowledge nuance. We tend to generate false dichotomies and then try to argue one point using two entirely different sets of assumptions."

We love reading your discussions and hearing your point of views in the comments, its George's favorite thing to do when sitting on the toilet- but not when it devolves into baseless and pointless insults and arguments, all that does is make the arguers angry, other patrons have a bad time, and George to have a sad shit.

Not every conversation needs to be won and not every opinion needs to be changed. It's okay to not agree with others without engaging, what someone else, or even what we say on camera, is not a direct attack to you or those you know and love.

If you find yourself typing a response in anger, before you press that "Send" or "Comment" button, read what you wrote out loud. Pretending you are saying it to someone face to face and not just an anonymous name on a screen, imagine that person is someone you know and care about but disagrees with. Would you still say those exact words?

And if after all that you still feel like saying it, then ask yourself a second question. Does it really matter? There's no winning or losing arguments on the internet, there is only two people getting angrier and angrier as the argument drifts further and further from the original point. So let it go, walk away and remember that you're here to enjoy movies and tv shows with friends.

Please, be excellent to each other.


Dazzler & Em

Well said, this is supposed to be fun and enjoyable😁👍.


I don't speak english


It’s sad it has to be said… again.


I’m hungry rn

Reid Mclellan

Damn that's pretty sad you had to post that, but as long as George can shit happily we'll all get along I suppose


Is this because I don’t believe you two have legs? :(

R Harper

Amen! Can't we just take delight in our differences and have fun without attacking each other?

Onno Smits (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-10 19:03:56 Just a general reminder to everyone: If you see a commenter that makes you have a bad shit, just click on their name, click on "... More" -> "Block user" -> "Block". Congrats, all their comments have now disappeared, as if they never existed! 🎉
2023-12-10 19:02:50 Just a general reminder to everyone: If you see a commenter that makes you have a sad shit, just click on their name, click on "... More" -> "Block user" -> "Block". Congrats, all their comments have now disappeared, as if they never existed! 🎉

Just a general reminder to everyone: If you see a commenter that makes you have a sad shit, just click on their name, click on "... More" -> "Block user" -> "Block". Congrats, all their comments have now disappeared, as if they never existed! 🎉


It's a shame this needs to be said again, we should all be shitting happy!

Myles Casey

Sagely wisdom, bestowed unto us, by Prometheus. I shall pay this entrusted knowledge in mind, with my future comments, lest I disturb George's shit.


Whoa. Cinebinge followers, what you doing in the comments??! 🤣

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

I love that, well not imagining George or anyone else taking a shit while reading comments but I love the point lol that there is no point in arguing with strangers because they/WE won't listen anyway.


Kind of sad that a post like this has to be done every few months. But I appreciate your effort to try and reach people with this message.

David Noone

Well put. Now in the name of all that is right and holy, please watch Casino (1995)


Way to go you filthy animals. How dare you give George a sad shit 🤨


People ,😔😪

Jeff Norwood-Brown

Is this because I keep recommending Paul? Which you should watch BTW.


Do you want George to have a sad shit? Well? DO YOU!? Nobody wants to have a sad shit. Get it together y'all.


So when does George stream him shitting and yelling at the rude ppl 😂


I'm reminded of a podcast called Conversations with People Who Hate Me. The first few episodes were the host (the voice of Carlos the Scientists on Welcome to Nightvale, if that means anything to you) reaching out to people who flamed him and having a conversation about it. His ability to help them feel heard without endorsing their bigotry (which is frequently part of their post) is admirable. After those eps, he facilitates similar conversations between 3rd parties. It's a real wholesome listen in a muddy world.

Daniel Gurney

If I can be reasonably assured that you guys will react to Carlitos way or natural born killers or both some day, I will be excellent to everyone, everyday forever. Otherwise in December 2024 I will post something very sarcastically. JK love you guys.

Gaius Frakking Baltar

The melancholy description of George pooping is the type of quality content that we’ve all come to love on this channel! 💩🚽

Dana Regan

i admit..as a Gen X raised guy, i have issues with millennials and the way the approach life. But I wont use my Gen X tongue comments for you 2. I really feel u could adapt to the times we were raised in. There is a reason behind our harshness that I hope u come to understand. Threat of nuclear war everyday, drills for it, economy in the shitter..we took it on and won. So yeah, we have an attitude that was earned thru hard times. But your reviews arent a target. The only thing I will say is the dog thing. Dogs die..Its reality..not watching "Old Yeller" brings this dogs are superior to humans which I cant accept in the food chain logic. But ur reviews are awesome. i just have an opinion..one that Gen Xers will not give up.


Nuance is a thing that seems to be more and more lost on people these days

David Zabel

Enhance your calm, everybody.


Hi George, if you’re reading this don’t forget to wash your hands!


The fact that you guys still have to make these statements semi-regularly makes /my/ poop sad.

Jeff K

It takes soooo much more effort to be angry and pick fights and argue than it does to just not comment.

Jeff K

I did that very thing just yesterday on another page when someone took an irrational stance against my opinion about a movie. It’s just not remotely worth my time (or your time, or their time, or anyone’s time!) to get that pissy with someone you’ll absolutely never encounter in real life.

Jeff K

I can’t help but wonder what I missed (which has likely been deleted) that sparked this update.

Ian Hunt

Well said!


We all knew Ted Lasso would lead to this.


I missed it again. I must be only watching non-controversial content. Lol

Attila the Bun

It makes me so upset, to hear George has sad shits

Jeff K

Meanwhile I assume Simone just has happy cotton candy shits, which is a nice thing for her I’m sure.

Jon Burrows

Sunday Monday happy shits Tuesday Wednesday happy shits Thursday Friday happy shits Saturday what a day Rockin' all week for you


Oooo thanks for that. This (Patreon) is my happy place. So, it's nice to have the option to quietly push out the unpleasant. There's enough of that in my world already to have to deal with it during my entertainment time!


Well said, even though I doubt it will change much I appreciate the fact that you two speak up against the shittyness of supposed keyboard warriors. None of these people would say these things to people’s faces. Thank you for being you. Also, I know shittyness isn’t a word😬

Ruben VL

I value your opinion, but as a fellow gen x'r. Please don't speak for the rest of us as not everyone is the same or has the same opinion.


Was this because of the Unrated vs Theatrical cut comments? I read all those and see both sides. I feel like this could be a private discussion between reaction channels with requests for comments from the viewers. And then share their findings with us. I think that would get fix some of those comments.

Jeff K

Was going to make the same comment as you, Ruben, but deleted it. I respectfully disagree with basically the entirety of OP’s post, as a fellow Gen X dude.

Nathan Jasper

"And yet... I have fallen in love with humanity. This world is the ultimate playground. All of the sport, the matches, the medals, the gambling and the anger and the children shackled to their bedrooms with their joysticks and their buttons. You make games out of bricks falling upon other bricks. You are exceptional. And then there are the mind games. Oh, the dating and ghosting, the deceit and the control. You make me dizzy. I am in no hurry to leave this place." - The Toymaker, Doctor Who We're always at each other's throats, we all think that we're right all the time. We're savage and hateful but capable of such beauty and love and such amazing things if we'd just use our intelligence for good rather than using it to be stupid. Don't be the Toymaker's play thing. Be better. Be fantastic.

Jeff K

I would also add, it seems obvious but maybe it isn’t, if you see a post like this and immediately get defensive… maybe reflect on why that is.

Dana Regan

in the midwest they are..just giving u area opinions..ive been in all 48 states and Canada. oit westyes diff view..nut here in chicago im solid in my opinion speaks for masses..doesnt mean anything..ony how we feel


If I’m perceived in contributing to this bad occurence, please tell me so I know to adjust. Honestly. Cuz I know there’s been a couple tense back and forths, but I don’t think neither me nor the person I was talking to delved into insults. If you see it that I have, please tell me. I’ll adjust if so.


Why, with your age as a gen x-er (as I am) would you still think in terms of being angry at generations?

Jeff K

I mean this as respectfully as possible and I do not want any of this to devolve into anything that George and Simone are trying to get rid of, but please stop talking for an entire generation and saying your opinion reflects them based on personal experience. I’ve had just as much experience to the contrary. (Also… you know there are 50 states, right? Not just 48? I know you meant contiguous but no harm in a little good-natured joshing.)

Jeff K

I could enhance my calm a lot more readily if someone would explain the goddamn three seashells to me, finally. (Speaking of happy and unhappy shits)

Jeff K

That’ll be an OF exclusive when he finally launches it.

Dana Regan

defensive? we are not defensive. if ur not in my area u dont know i speak for. i have hundreds of friends in this area and i can tell u i speak for them. u have no reason or experience with them in chicago area who u can speak for. gfy

Jeff K

And now I can’t get the image of Henry Winkler sitting on the can giving a double thumbs up with a big smile on his face out of my head.

Jeff K

Classy response. You also don’t know where I live, where I’ve been, what I’ve experienced, and so on. You have, in general, failed this assignment George and Simone have given their community pretty spectacularly. Take the hint that literally no one is agreeing with you. And the fact I never even hinted that the above post was about you but you assumed it was proves my point. So, thanks for that.


I agree but I'll fight anyone that posts a "George having a sad shit" illustration. ;)

Dazzler & Em

I can't wait for the George on the toilet having a sad shit merch!!!


Gotta say tho, love the Tim Minchin reference.

Jeff K

New idea: that same new Barbarella/Conan illustration, but in this one, George/Conan is on the toilet.

Jeff K

It’s that goddamn James Tartt, Sr. He brings out the worst in everyone.


Dana, who’s the ‘we’ you’re referring to? All due respect. (No offense, I think ‘all due respect’ is the northern way of saying ‘bless your heart’, but I didn’t mean it that way with you). Edit: forgot to end the parentheses.

Mike Minerals

Merry Shit-mas, George and everyone. May your toilet bowls remain as white as the driven snow.

ra ra rasputin

Dana telling people to 'gfy' in a post about not insulting other patrons. seriously big woosh.

Richard Maurer

I never have or ever will block someone for insulting comments - because they don't bother me, and often amuse me. That being said, I understand that some people are more easily bothered than me and calling people names over a difference of opinion is silly.

Jeff K

“I’m dreaming, of a shite Christmas… just dropping bombs in a toilet bowl…”

Richard Maurer

Well I can agree with all this as long as NO ONE DISAGREES WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff K

I disagree. And now? You’ve made a powerful enemy this day, Richard.


A very nice statement you two - at the same time it's a shame that this is necessary. You make very entertaining videos and I personally really enjoy your likeable, light and, in a positive sense, somewhat nerdy personalities. I'm afraid that will get a little lost if you have to deal with too much negativity. As someone who also has to manage a larger community (and is familiar with the financial aspects behind it), I can only recommend you from personal experience: People who do not adhere to etiquette or are simply not good for you should (have to) leave. You will have a few dollars less, but it will be good for the community and even better for your peace of mind. Best regards from Germany, Florian

Silas Callison

I agree George and Simone should never go through this everyone who disrespected George should never do that again because it’s not ok


This should just be on everyone's YouTube homepage. I try not to take it too personally and just assume whoever is ranting is either miserable in general, or having a bad day.


Musky Elon – you are literally the epitome of the type of person for whom they made this post in the first place. Seriously even bigger whoosh. How can you still lack so much self-awareness? Oof.

Richard Maurer

As a borderline Boomer/Gen-Xer I've noticed another side to this. I have to admit I often catch myself thinking millennials/ Gen-Zers are really overly sensitive. I do my best not to offend but really, giving a opinion that you disagree with or disagreeing with your opinions are not grievous insults, and you posting your opinion in a comments section does not mean that no one is allowed to post a dissenting opinion in reply to your post. Yet I've had a number occasions where I've been told that I'm rude and I shouldn't comment negative opinions on their post - just for having a different opinion. If you can't take someone disagreeing with you then you probably shouldn't be posting at all.


i remember getting dogpiled for my comments about how important episode three of the last of us was for gay representation. the hate of people so against others just for existing. it makes it difficult to celebrate things worthy of celebration.


Hey Simone and George, I deeply appreciate this statement. It feels so hard to feel sane on the internet these days-- which is why so many of us have turned to creators like you. We love you both. You're both probably providing so much more joy and warmth in peoples' lives than you even realize... or maybe you do realize it, as evidenced by this post, so all I've really got to say here is thank you for everything. But especially for this post. Peace and love.

ra ra rasputin

oh im well aware im guilty of this, and i aim to do better. that however, does not mean i dont get to call others out when they are doing it in the very post asking them not to. it takes one to know one after all. but you seem to want to just fight so im gonna walk away. byeee


I always take my shoes off at the door, but my feet are a little dirty though.. is that ok?? I can wash 'em at your sink 😁

Jared Winn

Hate that you’ve had to put this like 6 times since I’ve been a patron, but I appreciate the sentiment every time. Thanks for doing what you do. Don’t stay on the toilet too long George.

Jay Davis

Both of you have just made my list. I'm a procrastinator though, so I'll add both of you whenever I get around to it.

Mike Minerals

As I've gotten older, I've learned to establish the "24-Hour Rule" for myself: "Will I regret this decision in 24 hours?" 99% of the time, the answer is just to let it go. Honking at someone in traffic, yelling at someone you're never gonna see again? It just makes you both feel bad. But it does take practice to restrain yourself. The good news is, the more you learn to restrain yourself, the easier it gets. What about the 1% situation where you need to say something? Those are co-workers where the situation has become untenable and you've explored every other option. Otherwise, remember the advice every good mother teaches: "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Easy.

Jeff K

I’ll throw out a cliche: we can disagree without being disagreeable. And I’m like you, Musky. I know I’ve been a dick in comments now and then over the years, just in general. Because, y’know… internet. Doesn’t mean we all can’t try to grow and mature and become better at how we interact, so I appreciate you noting you’re also trying to do better. I know I am, as well.

Happy Hanukkah

With all due respect, George, have you ever considered constipation? Just don't give a shit! :-)


Take your shoes off? I didn't know Tarantino worked for Cinebinge? :p Joking aside, 100% agree, I like to critique films, question things and discuss stuff. I don't want to upset people though. That is never my intention.

The Gunslinger

It's unfortunate that this had to be said AGAIN. But you put it very nicely :).

Happy Hanukkah

"Please leave your muddy shoes at the door. ... ... ... Please, be excellent to each other. " And that means you (me)!, not everybody else.


I just want to say thanks to Cinebinge for all their great content and their light handed but skillful approach to moderating. I'm not for a heavy handed approach to moderating, but sometimes one has to draw a line when common decency is ignored and remind us that we're all here to enjoy a movie together. I apologize for using profanity, even if it was a quote from someone else.

Walter White

Let’s keep our shoes clean guys

Travis H

I would NEVER do anything to cause anyone to have sad shits. I don’t think I have done anything to cause that (I do know I posted one thing I had to edit because others were making it into a conversation that wasn’t appropriate) but if I ever do let me know, that is never my intention.

Chris Carman

Fun fact: Referencing *Tim Minchin* in an online post about not being too controversial online--- is what the cool kids nowadays call *irony*! :D [Edit: the above comment was in no way meant to be taken personally, inappropriately, or offensively, by any people at any place at any time, living, dead, or fictitious, especially Tim Minchin. And, no sarcasm, I like your channel...👍🏾]

Richard Maurer

You'll better put me on that list right now, buddy. I won't tolerate being made to wait!


Great post! Its so true. Sometimes its to easy to get upset at someones opinion, but considering that its basicly impossible to change someones views with a comment. Its literally just time wasted. All you can do is express your own and be done.

Richard Maurer

Leave my muddy shoes at the door? I'm an American, and we Americans track our muddy shoes through your house like civilized people!

George Stapp

I love you guys! I hope this gets fixed quick so George can go back to having happy shits! 😂😂😂


I kinda like it when I post a comment and people complain about my opinions. It makes my sack tingle. 😂


Happy shits to all and to all a good wipe.

Richard Maurer

Yeah, where's the fun in people agreeing all the time? Makes for a boring comments section, for sure.

Carlos Hurtado

The day that episode released was a great day and a bad one. Great, because it was nice to be represented in a show as big as TLOU. and Bad because as soon as I went online I was reminded how awful people could be.

Happy Hanukkah

I too own the Great Book of American Etiquette by D. Leary, Esq. :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrgpZ0fUixs

Haye Zeus

I always miss the good stuff.

Young Blood Priest

I really hate you had to post this. Especially here with two of the friendliest people on YouTube/Patreon. Toxic shit is why I’m not on social media. I gave twitter and Facebook a try but there was so much nastiness that I opted out after a couple of weeks. Simone is absolutely right when she said if you wouldn’t say something to someone’s face then don’t type it. Saying nothing is free.

Jonah Bertorelli

*Sigh*... *scrolls to recent post's comment sections. Lol


Ok, what did you savages say in the comments that prompted this?

Happy Hanukkah

But surely you wouldn't just all of a sudden jump up and grind your muddy shoes on somebody's brand new white suede couch? Surely you have more sense than that!


For every negative comment about that episode I saw around the web, there were 100 more positive ones and that was amazing.

Dustin Duvall

You had nuke war drills, we had 9/11, school shooting drills and real shootings, and 2008 financial collapse. I'm confused if you thought we had it easy?


Sending you love from Middle Zealand

Dustin Duvall

Probably that and the big short comments got heated. I'm on the theatrical cut side lol.


I always find the aftermath never find the accomplices and their savagery comments

Happy Hanukkah

Response 1: "Fancy gloves, though, wears Ol' Macheath, Babe So there's never, never a trace of red." :-)

Jeff K

@Shibby - I was pleasantly surprised by how many fans of the game I heard say they really enjoyed the way they changed the story to make it more obvious Bill and Frank were gay, and that they gave them such a beautiful story instead of a bitter one. Obviously, there were plenty who thought it was just “wokeness” but really, fuck those people.

Happy Hanukkah

Response 2: Well yes, but it costs George a pretty penny. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JFW26G_pkuQ

Jeff K

@Dustin - and, while I might be younger than OP (I was born at the tail end of 1980 so I’m right on the border of GX and Millenial), I can say for sure I never had to do a single nuke drill or really any drill like that. Certainly never even had to consider active shooter drills, which my 12 year old son has to deal with. Hell, I don’t remember hearing about any school shootings until Columbine, which was my senior year of high school. It’s wild how some people are like, “The good old days…” while also pretending those same “good old” days were so difficult. You can’t have it both ways.

Chris Carman

:D None worth a ment---OK, yeah, the cheesy name jokes write themselves... :D


Honesty have to do this and it has saved me from sending things a lot. You don't have to "prove" to anyone you're "right" about something. We are all here to enjoy the reaction to movies and TV we love.

Funny That

Shame to hear about this as I've found the Cinebinge community to be positive and a positive influence on me too. Hope things turn around as we should all be happily stuffed with food in a few weeks.

Dee Aitch

For what movie? I honestly only have a strong opinion on two movies, Aliens (theatrical) and The Abyss (directors). But not strong enough to get nasty about it.

Rob Church

I support this but also you are asking anonymous humans on the internet to betray their very nature.

Dustin Duvall

The recent comedies, and it wasn't even content related. It's hard to find the uncut ones through normal routes and a couple people went back and forth


Yep, accepting that I didn't have to explain my perspective to everyone, or convince them of why their point of view is flawed - not to mention realizing that most people don't care what other people think about their opinions anyway and aren't open to being swayed - saved me from a huge energy drain in my life. I think a lot of people could afford to wisen up about this.


Definitely. I've lost friends just to prove I was right. It's just not worth it when you can realize that just like you want them to respect your opinions you need to respect theirs.


"Not every conversation needs to be won and not every opinion needs to be changed. It's okay to not agree with others without engaging, what someone else, or even what we say on camera, is not a direct attack to you or those you know and love." These words feel straight from my own heart in a way few words could. People have SUCH a hard time accepting other people not agreeing with them, or liking what they dislike, or vice versa. It's okay to not like something, or not agree with someone, and just walk away. Not every thought or opinion that goes through your head has to be heard by others. That's a really tough one for some people. I think a lot of people just see the internet as some kind of proving grounds, like these are the moments that show the world who they really are. But the crazy thing is, when you turn all of it off and go out into the real world...NOTHING THAT HAPPENS ON HERE MATTERS, TO ANYONE. It literally only matters in the context of the corner of the internet where the discussion is being had at that exact moment. That's why I had to stop using Facebook. It's literally just....fake life. A completely fabricated reality that doesn't even exist when you turn away from the screen.

Aye Jaye

Yeah come on guys, whatever prompted this has to stop or else George might have to resort back to reading shampoo bottles while on the John. Have some compassion, no one deserves to poop in those conditions, a man needs his entertainment.


You're supposed to collect with two and scrape clean with the 3rd (per Sly and Sandra).


Internet has broken people and most would never be this confrontational or nasty in the real world. It's why I just generally avoid the comments section. Like people who decide to share their hate of one of you talking or doing whatever, just why lol. If you don't like it, you don't have to watch. I can't imagine in a million years making someone read my bullshit grievances especially if it could potentially make someone feel bad. Just plain silly.


very sad that you STILL have to post something like that every now and then.......... 🤦🏻 some like a movie that you don't like ? that's ok... I think 2001 is a very boring movie, and you don't ? that's ok...... Jesus Christ 😤 grow the fuck up, and don't take everything so personally. PEACE everyone ! ✌🏻


Watching people argue or post nastiness over something so purely subjective as any form of art/media is genuinely an exhausting experience, hoping things improve so George can enjoy his shits again.

Richard Maurer

Lord of the Rings and Kingdom of Heaven extended cuts are the only versions reactors should watch. FIGHT ME if you disagree (not really).


Tried to watch 2001 for the first time a couple of years ago ,had to switch it off after 25 minutes due to being bored out of my skull ,it was just utter nonsense


my record is 1h45 I think... it's really boring... I told this in the "classic" poll, and someone came at me, call me stuff, ... - it's ok buddy, you like it, I don't, ... good for you then 🤷🏻 enjoy


Damn, quoting the legendary Tim Minchin on top of it all! I love you guys so much! C'mon, everyone just behave, we're all here for the common goal to watch these two amazing people react. Do it for yourselves, but more importantly, do it so George can take happy shits!

Jack Burton

It won't stop. Some people are extremely sensitive to criticism about the things they like. They see it as a personal insult so they have to insult them back. It won't stop unless you somehow outlaw criticism of any movie or tv show.


only happy shits at cinebinge 😄💩💩


If you support their statement, then why respond this way? As a total stranger, this read to me as cynical. How does is that helping encourage civility?


Love you guys


anyone want to start a fake hostile argument weeks later

Rob Church

Dramatic much? Sound's like you are here just looking for an argument. I won't stoop to that level. Have a good night.


Love you all


People need to ask themselves, "what would Ted Lasso do?" WWTLD


Hi George! I hope you're enjoying your dump.

Ted K. had a point

Movie suggestions, with IMDb scores: - The Game 7.7 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119174/ - Zwartboek 7.7 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0389557/ - Source Code 7.5 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0945513/ - Rear Window 8.5 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047396/ - The Outfit 7.2 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14114802/ - Hard Boiled 7.7 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0104684/ - Before Sunrise 8.1 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112471/ Edit: Hmm links don't work I guess. Bummer. Great films

Richard Maurer

Well, as long as you don't dislike LotR we'll have no problems. But if you do, I go nuclear! ;-)

Richard Maurer

There are some people who think every movie certain directors make are instant classics, and Kubrick is one those directors. I've run into the same kind of thing when I wrote that I thought The Shining was overrated as a horror movie. Scorsese is another director whose fans you have to watch out for.


come on ! LoTR ? ... I'm not, like... stupid 🤷🏻 of course I LOVE it !


The Game is one of my favorite psychological thriller style movies. It would be a great one for a reaction.


Here’s some food for thought: I actually wasn’t. I was actually trying to encourage a genuine discussion about civility, and that maybe giving people the benefit of the doubt is in everyone’s best interest. It appears to me you assumed I only had self-interest in mind. Not everyone is a cynic. Take Care.


I don’t understand how people have the energy or time to fight each other on a page they pay to support, it just seems insane to me 😂

Ted K. had a point

Yes "The Game" is incredible. "Zwartboek" is especially great WW2 spy thriller (loosely based on true events), by same director as "Robocop". Only downside is that you need subtitles. But everyone should see it It was Paul Verhoeven's passion project, because it takes place in his home country, Netherlands. But you can clearly see he poured his best efforts into it. With full-on Hollywood budget. No shortage of suspense, great acting and amazing twists.

Meth Damon

Yeah, indeed, The Game (1997) is incredible; the score, prod design, DOP, the twist etc


its very unfortunate things like this happen but hope you know that most of us, especially myself, really enjoy just "hanging" with you guys. you guys help me wind down at the end of the day, sometimes i genuinely look forward to going home and watching an old reaction that popped in my head that day, and the joy when a reaction to one of my favorite movies comes out is practically Christmas morning. thankful for you guys!


The Game is great, but, please remember: imdb ratings mean nothing. The median rating is like 6.7 and it rarely deviates more than one full number above or below that, so it's probably the worst barometer for a film's quality. Letteboxd ratings will help more.

Jay Davis

Yes, but we've also had to put up with millenials and Gen Z'ers. Boom. :) jk. But seriously, the school shooting drills would be surreal and scary as a kid. We did fire drills and tornado drills, but that's it. And protocol at the time was, they brought all the kids into the hallway. The younger kids crouched against the wall, while the older kids stood up, arched over them and leaning against the wall. I guess we didn't have enough hallway space so that everyone got their own spot?


Nothing worse than having to take a sad shit.

Ted K. had a point

sarCC: Your choice of words "mean nothing" is typical internet argumentation that the blog post asks to avoid, "failure to acknowledge nuance" that easily leads into a fight. No scoring system is perfect, but since there's hundreds of thousands of films/series, you have to rely on something. Letterboxd scores for the same films, from best to worst: - Rear Window 4.4 (out of 5) - Before Sunrise 4.3 - Hard Boiled 4.1 - Swartboek 3.8 (in Letterboxd it uses the English translated name "Black Book") - The Game 3.7 - Source Code 3.5 - The Outfit 3.5 So pretty much the same order and rating (relatively) as IMDb...

Christopher Greenley

Thanks for sharing that with us Jo Judan. Appreciate it man!🙄


I'm here for a bunch of reasons 10% Simone's OMGs 15% George's obscure knowledge 20% the amazing George/Simone banter 10% Simone's deep feelings. 10% George's inappropriate comments 5% real video game talk. 10% your honest care for humanity, which this post is evidence of. By now George is already complaining about the math not adding up to 100%. Dude, I'm not sure what the other 30% is! It's complicated, but I'm going to figure it out by hanging around more.

James Lawson

Other things I would add but "The times George just says the dirty thing and Simone does *the look* to camera"


Heck, I'd add George's deep feelings to the list, too! I can't even remember which film now, but I remember distinctly hearing George's voice break with empathy for a character where way too many other male reactors tried to laugh it off as the reason I enjoyed this channel.


The other 30% is their choice of movies. So many good picks that I don't find anywhere else! I'm so sick of the same movie reacts - often weirdly at the same time like all other reactors are going off some secret shared list. G&S seem to go their own path and that's a good thing. Now if I can just persuade them to do John Carter of Mars! :)


John Carter. Massively underated movie that deserved fare more success. I don't think I have *ever* seen a movie reaction to it by anyone. Would love to see G&S react to it.


@James Lawson - “Or when George makes a dirty/porn reference that goes straight over Simone’s head (i.e. Bangbus)…☺️”

Steve H

the fith element


Please give Dog Soldiers a go. It's a lot of fun. It's directed by the guy who did The Descent, but it's far less stressful.


Dog Soldiers is fun. If we're nominating werewolf movies I would love them to do Ginger Snaps. V. low budget but fantastic movie. And a rare case where the sequel may be even better than the first.


Hi Steven, our reaction to this can be found via the Search Posts function at the top of the main page or through the Collections tab at the very top of our feed.

James W.

Did y'all give up on the Expanse at the end of season 2? That would be a huge bummer if so as I was excited to get to watch you go through it.


Yes, please finish the series when you get a chance. s3,4 are really good

Richard Powers Hardt

Love this. Thank you. I do agree you should watch Season 3 of the Expanse, it really takes off.


As much as I love the series I am glad they stopped it. Watching that show was more of a chore for them than most of the Cinicringe movies were for George. I hated watching something I love suck the soul out of those I enjoy watching being excited.


The fact you quoted Tim Minchin just made my very slight concern about money joining makes me feel quite silly now


Correction, I'm only half dichotomy, on my Mothers side.


Hi guys. For full length videos, does the video of Simone & George go more and more out of sync with the audio, the longer the videos play? It's been happening for the last few videos for me.

David O'Neal

Well said! And on another note, may I request Ladyhawke?

Liquor & Swords

With me also. The first thing I thought of is that maybe George is editing at 30 fps instead of 29.97? I dunno, just throwing that out there. What say-you George, any ideas?

Jay Davis

There's so much good 80s fantasy to see. And this is a great place to start!


While I've watched the full length reactions, and watched multiple other reacters watching this show, I think watching these cut down edits was the first time I ever noticed one small clue about Ted's father. When Ted and Beard are at the pub and Ted is complaining about bringing in a therapist, and how he felt set up during his couple's therapy, Beard asks him "And that was your only time trying therapy?" (or something like that), because Beard knows about Ted's father's suicide. Not a major revelation, but this show's writers really know how to connect the dots and drop breadcrumbs. You'll see that a lot in S3 as they do callbacks and payoffs from the first two seasons. Thanks so much for the work in doing the edit on all these and can't wait for the S3 reactions!