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Schindler's List (With George's Dad) - Patreon Version


Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Your pops is sure right about that, this one's very special, and it honestly never gets any easier to watch. I really liked what he said about how the difference between Good and Evil is a choice, and when that scale tilts towards Good your conscience grows, I think that's true, I hope it is. I hope to visit China someday, sooner than later, if I do I'll try to make it a point to visit that monument. I was aware of the Rape of Nanking but there really hasn't been enough said about it, I doubt a lot of people I know have even heard of it. That war was just insanity, tens of millions, and all for hubris and racist ultranationalistic bullshit.


So your father made a comment about Ben Kingsley's acting at one point during the movie, and it made me think. You guys, specifically you and your father, should absolutely 100% watch Gandhi with Ben Kingsley playing the titular character, Gandhi himself. Truly a monumental movie, in my opinion. It's life changing, honestly, being exposed to just a portion of a representation of the Mahatma's life and teachings. I just really think more people need to see that movie, and it has a lot of similarities and moral connections to movies like Schindler's List here.